Release v1.47.0 - Custom teleporation

Tired of always teleporting in a flash of light? Want to use your wings instead? Or maybe hail a taxi? This release introduces custom teleport messages.


Custom teleport messages

It is now possible to set custom teleport messages for rooms, areas, and characters.

The Edit Character, Edit Character Profile, Edit Room, and Edit Area pages have all been extended with a Custom teleport messages checkbox:

By checking this box, you will be able to edit the leave, arrive, and travel messages used when transportation is done using teleport, home, summon/join, or sweep.

Message priority

When teleporting, the system checks for any custom teleport messages in the following order:

  1. Character
  2. Room
  3. Area
  4. Default teleport message

However, it is possible to set a room or area to override any character defined messages, by checking the additional Override character messages checkbox found on the Edit Room and Edit Area pages:


It is also possible to use commands to configure custom teleport messages. For help, type:

help set
help set teleportmsgs
help set room
help set room teleportmsgs
help set area
help set area teleportmsgs

Thanks to @Aura for suggesting it in this topic, and to @Shinyuu for bringing me back to the ideas in this topic. And thanks to a lot of others for coming with great input!
GitHub issue #72 - Custom teleport messages

Message type labels

To avoid confusion, some messages have been decorated with a label clarifying what type of message it is:


The following labels exists:

  • teleport - Travel messages when using teleport or home.
  • summon - Travel messages when summoning someone.
  • follow - Travel messages when following someone.
  • awake - Message when a character wakes up.
  • sleep - Message when a character falls asleep.

GitHub issue #70 - Travel message methods


Alias morph

The profile command has received a new alias, morph:

morph pyjamas

However, there are no alias set for create profile, delete profile, or set profile.

Thanks to Draft for suggesting it!
GitHub issue #64 - Alias morph

Request help to request category

The request help command has been added to the request help category, so that it will be listed when issuing the command:

help request

Thanks to @IcoTwilight for suggesting it in this topic!
GitHub issue #65 - Request help to request category

Improved Do Not Disturb messages

The message returned when trying to send a message to someone set as Do not disturb , as well as the error message when trying to send a message while having Do not disturb activated , has been improved.

Thanks to @FoxLancaster-Okami for making me aware of the issue in this topic.
GitHub issue #74 - Improve DND messages

Full name in fieldset labels

When you send or receive a mail/message/whisper/address/warning, we now show the full character name in fieldset label:

Thanks to @Scarlet_Himari for suggesting in in this topic!
GitHub issue #73 - Full name in fieldset labels


Mail avatar not showing
On the Mail Inbox page, the character avatar for incoming mail did not show. The fallback icon with character initials was displayed instead. This has been fixed for new incoming mails.

Transaction too big on index rebuild
When rebuilding large indexes, the badger DB transaction could become to large, causing the rebuild to fail. This has been fixed.

Support service not restored to test server
The support service didn’t restore correctly onto the test server, causing all help requests not to show up there. This has been fixed.

Compare on non-awake character not added to report
When using the compare command targeting a character neither awake, nor in your watch-list, the compare action would not be added to a report. This has been fixed.

Taking over puppet doesn’t set puppeteer
When taking control of a puppet from someone else (using a Control request), the new controlling puppeteer was not set on the puppet character. This has been fixed.

HighlightTriggers error
In case of controlled char errors, HighlightTriggers throws error. Handling of those errors has been improved.
GitHub issue #68 - HighlightTriggers error

Control puppet char request not cleared on expire
When a char request to control a puppet expired, the processor didn’t clear the request correctly. This has been fixed.

Bot connection missing getChar method
For bot connections, the bot model didn’t have access to the getChar method. This has been fixed.
Thanks to @IcoTwilight for reporting it in this topic!


Char request timeout configuration (overseer)
The character request timeout used for summon/join or lead/follow requests is no longer hardcoded to 5 minutes, but can be configured.

User activity report (admin)
It is now possible for admins to get user activity summary reports for a given time span.