Wow, there’s a lot to unpack in this. Most of this is my opinion, but the gist is, I like options. But I’d prefer it to happen a little different.
I don’t think a room/area needs these messages. Everywhere I’ve seen has let the user decide how they want to leave and enter, giving them their own power over locomotion methods. I’m not going to say ‘no’ to a room/area defining one if it should want, I just don’t think it’ll be able to do as good a job as the actual character doing it. If it’s deemed desirable, I’d change the order to be Character > Room > Area (chained). That way the character gets preference.
I’d also make each of these messages different things the user provides. I wouldn’t try to put in one message that covers all possible modes of transport. It seems a bit limiting. I’m not likely to teleport the same way I get summoned. So, they’d almost have to be different things if we’re adding this for the creative part. And if we’re not being creative, why bother?
Given the above, I don’t think the ‘type’ specifier on the exit is at all needed. In fact, if anything, I’d argue that how I decided to leave is no one else’s business. I may have teleported off to another place to see what’s up, or been summoned to meet a friend. I’d rather not expose that information to anyone that I don’t have to. I can see the page follow-ups of “Oh, so who are you meeting? Mind if I join?”. If the character wishes to expose that information, that should be their choice by setting different messages that make it obvious what they’re doing.
As for no teleport, the way I’ve heard it termed is ‘haven’. Basically, no summons into the area. Being summoned out should be always allowed. This keeps the area private, or makes everyone use the front door. Teleport should likely not be affected. I could see an argument to limit teleport in to a room, but if you have a registered destination, isn’t that what you wanted? Maybe if you ‘closed’ the shop and don’t want people inside? The other way may be by room ID. In which case, okay, maybe? So, if you wanted to stop teleport IN to a room, I can see some uses cases, but out should be allowed. Any other mode of transit isn’t affected at all (sweep, go, and such). Don’t forget to include a condition for the room owner. They totally should be able to get in regardless of the haven flag, or summon people in as well. I expect the whole use here would be to build a room, invite someone over, and then keep it locked up so no one wanders in without having been invited.
I’m wishy washy on the sweep destinations. I dislike the idea of ending up in a place different than where I went to sleep or my own home. If I was to be nefarious, I’d make a room, sweep to a cell of some kind, and set the cell up with no exits and “haven” it (if teleport out is disabled as per the original – or if perhaps the user isn’t magical and doesn’t teleport). Home still allows one to escape, but if you’re trying to role play, you’re not really getting a lot of options here. I do see the appeal, but some part of my brain is yelling at me that it’s wrong. But, that said, if it is a desirable feature, it should probably follow the same rules I suggested above (character, room, area). Again, the character knowing best.
If you’re looking to simplify, you could try to make it all one leave, arrive, travel on the user. And then the path becomes exit > character for the use of ‘go’. But, I totally think it’d make the customization difficult to attribute (sleep walking out versus teleporting are certainly different).
Anyway, that’s my two cents. Not saying it’s right. But it’s how I think it should work.