Bots using the new bot tokens are unable to get a CharacterID from a username?

So, I was adding finishing up the bot and thought to use the new bot tokens in order for it to look nicer and more appealing.
However, I received a few errors, (mostly fixable as I didn’t store specific stuff in the library) but one big error I received was this:

sent:  {"id": 0, "method": "", "params": {"charName": "Ico Twilight"}}
received:  {'error': {'code': 'system.accessDenied', 'message': 'Access denied'}, 'id': 0}

(I have changed the bot’s id just in case)

Do you know if there is a solution at all or if I am still being dumb >w<

Oh, my mistake!

You are absolutely correct that getChar is not currently available for bot scripts even if they should be.
I prevented bots to call player level commands (such as createChar, deleteChar, setCharSettings, etc.), but forgot that getChar is also included there.

I will make a fix for this, allowing getChar to be called for bots as well, and add it in next release. Hopefully I will have it published the day after tomorrow (Monday)!

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Yay, thank you boss wolf ^w^