Looking for the following functionality.
If auto-sweep is enabled to activate after X amount of time, a sweep-to roomID# can be assigned so long as it is contained within the same area ID.
To help clean players from public spaces without removing them from the area in question entirely. Not really in a rush to fling people home automatically, but having npc’s help them to a dark/quiet room out of the way would be good so tourists aren’t just perma sleeping in every room.
As a protection from misuse, we’ll want this functionality:
If a room is removed from the area, the command to unassign/reassigning the room’s area would process a check of the area it was removed from in order to make sure the room in question is not assigned as a sweep-to target and automatically unassign the sweep-to parameter of that area if so. (to make sure sweep-to is always within the destinations area, so that users don’t end up somewhere unexpected because of mischief/bad faith use of the feature). This’ll hopefully prevent any hijinks where people try to set up sweep circles or kidnapping people to areas with unfavorable themes… or even just people wanting to collect a stack of people for the fun of it. >_> …AND will keep any linking between areas and rooms nice and tidy on the backend hopefully if my logic is sound and reasonable idea-wise.