Release v1.8.0 - Improved exits and help


Improved Help

The help command is updated. You can now list commands and topics matching a specific word. E.g. to find all commands and topics containing the word room, you can type:

help room

The topics are also improved, especially the following:

help basic
help build rooms
help build areas

Sortable exits

It is now possible to change the order in which room exits are listed.

See: help set exit


set exit east : order = 2

You can also change it through the new Edit Exits GUI.

Hidden exits

A hidden exit will not be listed or shown in any way. You cannot detect them or tab-complete them, but anyone who knows the keyword(s) can access them with the go command.

See: help set exit


set exit secret passage : hidden = yes

You can also set the property through the GUI.

Edit Exits

There is a new page for editing room exits. You access it by clicking the pencil-icon at the Exits section of the Room panel (if you own the room):


The page provides a graphical interface to manage exits:

For more info on areas, see this topic.

Other improvements

Set area owner
A command to set area owner has been added. See:

help set area

Bug fixes

Tags list in Character Info
Fixed an issue where the tags list in the Character Info panel didn’t update properly when tags were added/removed.

Flood warning on clicking exits
When you are prevented to use an exit because you’ve flooded the button, a toaster notification will now tell you this, instead of nothing at all happening.

Moderator commands
Fixed some issues where a couple of admin/moderator commands were not working as intended.