[Feature] Folders / collapsable categories for exits

A thing that would be nice to have: Folders for the exit list.

It would be really useful for apartment / home hubs.

So in the nimbat village it would be
Exit to the Forest
The Still
> Dens
. Den 1 (Windchaser)
. Den 2 (Some Other Nimbat)
. Den 3 (Yet Another Nimbat Adding To The List)

File this under ‘nice to have’. But if a bunch of people create exits off one room it could get unwieldy as is.


What you want to solve is having rooms with a lot of exits to private residencies, without completely cluttering the Exits list, right?

And this is not really just “nice to have”, but something we need quite soon.

But maybe “dark” exits can be an initial, easier to implement, option (the go command works, but exits are not listed)?


The down side to ‘dark’ exits is that in the situation I’m thinking of - apartments, etc - you still need a way to list them. We’d need an alternate for that.

Dark exits are useful for building mazes and puzzles, though!

Traditionally, they’re either secrets learned elsewhere, or hidden in the description!

“Dark” exits (or Hidden as I call them) is now added in Release v1.8.0 - Improved exits and help

Yepp, that is how we will have to do with Hidden exits for now.

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Whoooo! \o/ Nicely done!