I am currently working on the Area feature.
Areas are a way to structure and group rooms. An area has a name (e.g. “White Hearth inn”) and an owner. It may optionally have a map, a description, and a parent area (e.g. “Town of Sinder”).
Rooms may be set to belong to an area, optionally with coordinates telling where the room is located on the area map. The same goes for sub-areas.
The purpose for areas is to:
- provide structure to sets of rooms
- provide visual aid through maps
- provide information on where characters are gathered
The information about room or area population will show in a few different GUI locations:
Room panel
The room panel will show current area (if available) + population under the room name:
Clicking on the area “badge”, the Area page will open up:
Area page
The Area page opens up in the Room panel. It shows the area name, a list of area locations + population, optionally a map image, and a zoom bar which allows you to zoom out to view parent areas:
If a location is a sub-area, instead of a room, it will be indicated in the list (this is currently done using white text color instead of grey).
Clicking on a location will expand it to show its description (only for sub-areas and not for rooms). If a map and coordinates are available, it will slide the map to show the location.
Realm panel
The realm panel will show a “World” icon, which will open a World page when clicked.
The World page shows the total number of awake characters and a list of areas + population, selected by an admin. This list allows players to see where there are gatherings without them having to wake up any of their characters first.
Teleport destinations
Teleport destinations, showing under the Teleport Character page will also show the area where the destination is located, together with its current area population.
That is the rough draft of the area feature.
Comments, feedback, or ideas are welcome!