No-teleport rooms

I’ve been reading through these discussions, as well as those regarding:

I think it sounds good, all of it. But they will touch each-other. How about this?

Custom teleportation messages

  1. Travel messages (go, teleport, summon) as well as wakeup/sleep messages shows type:

    Accipiterteleport confuses reality into believing he was there all the time.
    GR-33sleep shuts down.

  2. Travel messages using exits does not show type. It is consider default type of travel.
  3. Characters, rooms, and areas gets optional “teleport messages” configuration for arrive, leave, travel.
  4. When teleporting/summoning/sweeping, the priority of messages is: Room, Character, Area. If Room doesn’t have any custom teleport messages set, it falls back to Character. Then Area. Finally default (“flash of light”)
  5. The leave message is taken from the originating room.
  6. The arrive and travel messages are taken from the destination room.
  7. Area custom messages does NOT bubble up. A sub area will NOT use the parent areas’ custom message.
  8. Open sky rooms (Lighthouse (outside), Beach, Sinder Lane, etc.) should preferably have no custom room teleport message, allowing custom Character teleports.


  1. Rooms get a “no teleport” setting, preventing use of summon or teleport inside
  2. Using home and sweep is NOT prevented.
  3. Custom room teleport message can be used for home or sweep

Custom sweep destination

  1. Areas get a custom sweep room location. Room must directly belong to the area.
  2. Sweeping in an area teleports the character to the custom location, if available, otherwise to their home.
  3. Area’s custom sweep location DOES bubble up. A sub area without a custom sweep location will use the parent area’s location.
  4. Sweeping uses the same teleport messages as defined by Custom teleportation messages.

Now, I can already see how we would eventually want to have different messages for teleport, sweep, and summon teleportation. But for now, this is plenty.
Is this sort of what we want?