Make the Sewers Awesome!

The Graffiti Wall

[download link]
So I’d like to make the graffiti wall a project anyone can submit to. I will keep the wall updated with contributions as they come in.

A couple rules:

  1. No character names or portraits (What are you, a narc?) Generic species art is fine, doesn’t have to be rodent related.
  2. Only original artwork. I don’t care if you have no skill at all, your crudely doodled penises are beautiful to me.
  3. Nudity and explicit themes okay, just try and keep it tasteful.
  4. Keep mindful of the space and how much you use, but feel free to cover other people’s work.
  5. Please don’t complain if your submission gets later covered up. It is the nature of this.

How submissions will work:

  • Download the picture and add your addition yourself. (Please make sure its the .png version. The forum likes to convert everything, even outside links to .jpg right now.)
  • Might be nice to send me a transparent image of your work, in case layer fiddling is needed.
  • If you need/want the layered image. Feel free to mail Waku Waku.
  • Submit your updated image to this forum thread. Please save the image as a .png. Forum uploads converts it a .jpg right now, so you will have to use another image hosting service.
  • I reserve the right to deny any submissions for any reasons.

If I get a lot of submissions, I may start a second wall in a room west. But let us fill this one first.

The Computer Room

The link to the demo I have in the computer room is hosted on my own server. You can fiddle with the code in the web page as much as you’d like, but the changes will be temporary. If you are so technically inclined, I would gladly host your demos there. Perhaps with a few clarifications needed.

What is a demo?
In case you are not familiar with demoscene type demos, a demo is a self-contained, often small computer program that produces an audio and visual experience.

What is not a demo?
Even though the tic80 is suited for making video games. I don’t want to be putting video games in the computer room. Preferably no user interaction should be required for a demo. If any, it should only heighten the audio and visual experience.

I’ve made a demo I’d like shown, how do I submit?
Wow! Post me your .tic cart. I would so love to see it. I will definitely upload it to be shown to everyone.

Is stolen code okay?
Pfft, of course. Try to credit but, this is such a difficult area for me to even monitor. Please don’t steal music though. Crappy bloops or no music is better.

Tic80 sucks, I wanna show my (X) Demo
Yeah, deal with it. Maybe sometime. This is just kinda a fun toy to play with here.

I’m hoping my free hosting here won’t get bombed to oblivion. I really am not good with internet stuff, but please don’t try and do malicious things.


I’ve seen it. I love it!
Underground art and retro demos in a grimey setting. :blush:

Can I add a tag?
I have my Acci tag!

(Or as separate PNG)

PS. I noticed how the forum (Discourse) converts non-transparent PNG images to JPEG.
This will cause the graffiti wall to lose quality each time someone adds to the image. I tried to disable this feature in the forum, but it still seems to do it. :sweat:

Anyone knows how to force Discourse not to do that?

Thank you for pointing that out to me, and wow! Thanks for the quick addition! Love it! Added.

For now, I suppose use another image hosting service for your submissions please. Although adding some jpeg funk to the wall might look cool. I’d rather avoid it!

If you got all the tags as PNGs I can make a simple bricks texture with the bump map so that they look more ‘painted on’ rather than stamped over a flat surface.

I thought about that? Here, I’ll send you the layered file and feel free to see what you can do. I’d rather not turn post processing this into a big deal. If it’s not ‘stamped on’ people can’t edit over it easily.

If they add the stamps and point it to where it should be it’d be trivial to re-render once I hook it up and that will solve the degrading quality issue, too.

Here’s my submission!

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Haaah, awesome! I hope the placements okay. I’d really rather people do their placements themselves.

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Don’t worry about that at all, you’re fine! x)

A leopard was here.

so imgur links i hope this works Imgur: The magic of the Internet
New post with i hope orriginal art, probably not as good as i would have liked but enouhg xd
Hey man, im a bit embarrassed at how basic mine is so i made a few fixes, still basic but better :p, hope it’s not a problem to update it, but if it is i understand, i’ve already taken enough liberties xd (ps i just now noticed the standalone piece doesn’t have a transparent backround somehow i saved it with a white one and i have no idea how, and i spent 2 hours belive me or not on this, if it’s an issue just say so and ill remake it with one but for now sorry), thx for the event and thx for putting up with my bs :grin: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Hm, sadly. This looks rather stolen off the internet?

Hi hiiii~ I want to make my own addition!

Here’s the sole picture as a imgur link:

I tried to add it to the full picture! I added in a lil delcatty headtought its be cute!

@WakuWaku here ya go, i donyt know what to do for taggs

Love it! Thank you! Added.

I’d love to put this up somewhere

See, this is why I’d really rather people do their own placement. The red on brick makes it so hard to even see that I don’t even know where I’d place it. Maybe put some underneath paint outline?

Ah yes… it isn’t the best color… I just used whichever one my brush was on last :joy:

Here’s it placed and with a better color

I love the red, I took the liberty of adding a little color outlining myself to make it stick out. This was the positioning I was hoping for. So that the acci face would be excited about some dicks.

@DamonH , I love the work. Please for people in the future. Do NOT revise your works like this. You’ll have to send me a seperate, transparent .png. Because… I do kinda wanna keep the layers at this point.

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