The sewer graffiti wall is my attempt at making a gallery (albiet, just one canvas) for artists to display their works on.
I have twice tried to organize the building of a ‘tattoo shop’ in the sewers that would serve as a location for local artists to feature their galleries and commission info in. Trouble is, I know very few of those in the community. I don’t have a gallery myself or take commissions. I would also like someone who is around (and not me) to curate this.
If there are interested artists around who would like to post their info or galleries in Wolfery, I’d like to hear. Otherwise, I’m not sure how interested I am in posting outside artists or reaching out to people to make it advertising space.
I wouldn’t mind a silly IC thing, hah. I’m already imagining a gallery of AI art, blah. Might be neat lore wise.