This bug seems to be especially prevalent when I’ve just switched back to the browser app from another window, which often requires me to refresh to reconnect the client.
Android 12 Firefox Mobile 106.1.0 Samsung Keyboard
When entering text in the message area in mobile, there are some scenarios in which the text entry breaks. The way that the text breaks seems to involve repetition of the current word, and my keyboard does not seem to agree with Wolfery’s interface about which content is contained in the text box.
This behavior can be corrected by tapping outside and then back into the text area or deleting the current word. The behavior will return under certain unclear circumstances, such as when switching back and forth between apps.
Do you definitely have the latest version of the Wolfery client? My phone did this too, up until Release v1.41.0 when CodeMirror got upgraded.
…I’m not actually sure how to check what version you’re running though. I’d imagine there’s some way through the developer console, but doing that on mobile is a little trickier.
I sometimes get popups notifying me of an update and it seems to just refresh the page. I haven’t had any such in a while, and I’ve been experiencing this bug since I joined early this month, so if the client is delivered live on the website, I should be up to date. But maybe I’m misunderstanding how the client is delivered?
Latest release was made 2022-10-22T16:00:00Z. It was a small patch release (v1.41.4) to solve some bugs with the highlighter, character settings, and logs being accessed by sleepers.
When a release is made, the new version is propagated to all clients. Clicking “Update” on the toaster popup attempts to invalidate the current browser cached version before it refetches the new one.
So, if you don’t get that popup when reloading, then you are on the latest version
And if you still have that bug…? Yepp, then we need to try to find steps to replicate it (again)!
I’m not sure how to check the version that is currently cached, but I have indeed not received a popup in the past few days. I did also restart my phone and reopen Firefox to ensure there wasn’t a popup waiting for me that I simply hadn’t refreshed for yet.
Here are a couple sequences that can consistently reproduce the bug:*
Log into Wolfery on Firefox mobile
Wake a character
Tap outside of the message text area
Return to the home screen
Switch back to Firefox
Tap the message text area
Type : test
Note that the string actually displayed in the text area is : ttetestest
Here is an alternative set of steps to reproduce:
Log into Wolfery on Firefox mobile
Wake a character
Tap outside of the message text area
Tap the message text area
Type :⠀
Note the space
Tap outside of the message text area
Tap the message text area
Continue typing test
Note that the bug has not occurred
Tap outside of the message text area
Tap the message text area
Delete all text in the message text area, one character at a time
Note that keyboard suggestions still display as if a variation of test were written
Continue to delete until the keyboard suggestions stop changing
Type : test
Note that the string actually displayed in the text area is : ttetestest
* I want to emphasize that there are other circumstances, like when finishing a sentence in the middle of a message? But I haven’t figured out the exact mechanics of those steps yet. They may just be the same interaction but perceived differently, I’m unsure.
I’ve had this happen a million times! Just last week I think. When I try to tap-hold the backspace button (mobile) it starts to duplicate the letters. Once I had an entire paragraph of cursed “bleps” made with this bug.
It’s very annoying, but the solution that you mentioned (tapping outside the console) always seems to work.
The issue is that these bugs are caused by different behaviours in mobile virtual keyboards in combination with CodeMirror, a third party library we use.
However, the CodeMirror developer is quick on picking up and fixing these bugs, which is good!
All we need to know is how to replicate them.
So, what mobile keyboard are you using (GBoard, Samsung Keyboard, etc.)?
And do you have any suggestion what to type to make the bug happen?
The bug happened again last night! Aaaaa!
I had been typing a two-paragraph post and went to edit the end of the first paragraph, a bunch of backspace one at a time like Khaterin said. Several words got stretched/exploded, and I lost the second paragraph - had to rewrite it, which is inconvenient.
Same thing happens to me. Android 13, Firefox + SwiftKey. It doesn’t affect me personally that much (don’t log on mobile often), which is why I’ve never reported it.
For me it seems to happen with every bit of text I can think of. The moment I try backspacing it messes things up and starts duplicating.