Release v1.41.0 - Mention highlighting

This release has a some new features, the most requested one being custom triggers to know when someone mentions your character, and the highlighting of those triggers in the chat log.


Custom mention triggers

It is now possible to customize which words or phrases should trigger notifications when someone mentions your character. These settings can be found by clicking the cog-icon for the character under Character Select:

The character’s name and full name is by default added as triggers. New triggers can be added by typing them into the text field and clicking the plus (+) button. Triggers can be deleted by clicking the x-icon for each trigger:

  • Triggers are case insensitive, but will always be displayed in lower case.
  • Triggers may not be edited. Instead, create a new trigger and delete the old one.
  • Triggers matching the name or fullname of the character will automatically be updated on name change.

Mention highlighting

Communication in the chat lot matching any of the mention triggers under Character Settings will be highlighted with a lighter background color:

Thanks to @Dragonwolf for the initial suggestion in this topic.
This partially solves the feature requested by @John in this topic (minus the custom color codes).

Console input unique per character

The command console’s input is now stored and managed separately for each character. Switching between characters will store away any incomplete command, restoring it to the console once you switch back to the character.

Command history is also uniquely stored for each separate character.

Thanks to @WakuWaku for suggesting it in this topic.

Console history stored between sessions

The command console’s input and history is now stored in the browser’s localStorage, allowing it to persist between browser tab reloads and computer restarts.

You may even safely reload the client in the middle of typing a command, without losing it.

:warning: Warning
Storage is not synchronized between browser tabs. Running multiple tabs on the same browser, and issuing commands from more than one of the open tabs, will lead to unexpected behavior.

Apologies to Widget for causing her pose to be lost because this feature didn’t exist yet! :sweat:

Fullscreen mode

In mobile layout (max width of 720 pixels), it is now possible to switch to fullscreen. This can be useful to avoid the browser’s address bar to cause parts of the UI to not show:


No player reveal rule

A new rule has been added:

No player reveal - Revealing or without consent trying to obtain private information about a player or their characters may get you suspended.

This rule is added to make it clear that revealing information about another player, including which characters they have, is not allowed. It is also not allowed to covertly try to get this information without the consent of the player. You are still allowed to ask a player directly, but they are also free not to tell you anything.

CodeMirror upgrade

The third-party library CodeMirror 6, used by the command console, has been upgraded to latest version. This should hopefully remove some of the issues that has been reported regarding the input field.


Sleeping character’s may get events
Room events taking place while the character is asleep may be access after waking up again. Attempts has been made to fix this, even if it hasn’t been successfully reproduced locally.
If you still experience this bug, please report it in this topic posted my @Jett.

Sleep 5 min after waking up
A bug caused the ping worker to stop, causing the character to fall asleep exactly 5 minutes after waking up. An attempt has been made to fix this.
If you still experience this bug, please report it in this topic where @Vulpara last noticed it.


Admin send mail (admin)
A feature allowing administrators to send mail even if they are not controlling the character has been added.

Suspension duration configuration (admin)
Suspension and probation duration is now configurable instead of being hardcoded into the system.

Max follows (admin)
A limit on the maximum number of character allowed to follow (directly or indirectly) another character has been added. The limit is initially set to 5 characters, including the leader. This is to prevent excessive spamming of large groups entering and leaving rooms.