[WIP] Black Market

Little Info
I’m currently working on an area based around several rather extreme and hard kinks like ageplay, hard/realistic vore, non-con/rape, drugs and so on. It us far from done but I’m doing this post to already collect some ideas and feedback. If you’d like to join the area to check it out or even already RP in there you can by joining the bot I’ve set up for this purpose. (join #cspsj7u9gbrs0or5umb0)

It started as the idea of being a black market inside a big underground facility though the name might not be fitting 100% anymore.

Also if someone wants to contribute a room or a sub-area you may mail me in Wolfery (mail #csptoau9gbrs0or604l0 =><Your message>) with more details. I also think that because of the lose theme it has a big potential to link to other subareas.

Where to place?
I was thinking about either @Dalton_Raccoon’s Slums sub-area in Lamplight City or the sewers in Sinder or another town but I assume that most area owners are looking critical at the ageplay aspect especially in the “main area” Sinder.

Data Sheet

  • Area ID: #csppqm69gbrs0or5ru0g
  • Entrance Room: #cspdh2u9gbrs0or5k5hg
  • (Main) Owner ID: #csptoau9gbrs0or604l0

If there are any questions, suggestions, feedback or missing info let me know in this thread.

~ @Felinex

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You have my attention!

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I roamed around and I really like the concept. There’s clearly plenty of stuffs to do still, but don’t hesitate to poke me whenever you’re ready to do a review.

Where to place?

I don’t think a Continental-themed hotel fits into the sewers, honestly. While the market might be a great fit for the City of Winds, the hotel, again, doesn’t quite follow the theme (but you can totally discuss this with the area owner and if they’re good – I’m good).

It kinda feels like an Umber place to me?


Just took a look at Umber Point and I think you’re right. Didn’t really noticed that it does exist though.

About the sewers. I was suggesting it since, at least based on how I’ve planned it, to make it some kind of underground facility and so I thought it might be fitting to put it underground in the sewers.

About the hotel. It’s very very loosely inspired by The Continental. Actually just the no business rule is from them and well that it is a hotel for criminals of course.

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Fancy seeing more places inspired by the JW lore!

I don’t mean to dissuade, because I love this enthusiasm: But how does this then differentiate from Umber Point in general? Just getting an idea.

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First of all, unless the staff make a rule that forbids to create private custom areas I will keep working on this no matter if it would get approved or not.

That’s a valid question that I cannot really answer yet as I’m pretty at the beginning of the project. Though I would say that Umber Point basically allows anything that isn’t against the TOS, while I’d restrict to keep things more realistic and avoid things like hyper, endo vore and so on.

Besides that is my area completely underground which umber point isn’t. I know you didn’t mean that but it’s technically also a difference.

Oh goodness! We will never ever ever have a rule that disallows private building! :slight_smile:


Just to put in my two cents, having perused the area - it’ll probably warrant pinging Fenrir to get his approval, but I do think it would slot nicely into Umber. It gels with the seedy crime-city aesthetic, albeit on the more hardcore side of things, and it’s got a fittingly urban feel.

As for differentiation, having it be a market for carnivorous, ageplay, and crime business themes drills down into some more specificity than Umber’s general city vibe.


You are already approved for the nexus, for what it’s worth. There’s no need to throw portals into the good 'ol Cinnabar, we don’t know how much structural integrity is left in there!


Just to make sure this wasn’t understood wrong: I meant there that it might be a good fit within Umber, not that it feels like something Umber already is.

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Oh, I am? Even though the area isn’t really ready yet as some descriptions need improvement or are missing entirely.

I mean, we don’t exactly have review guidelines for the nexus. As long as there are no "New Room"s, you’re good, I suppose.

And yes, that’s fair, you still have a few of those.

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So just added the missing descriptions as good as I could. And since I’m approved for the nexus, how does this work now or is something still missing?

I roamed around, cleaned some typos, and linked it to the nexus.

I still think it’s a nicely designed place that you could push further and get onto the main grid, though.

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