[Coming Soon] Lamplight, an Ageplay-Centered modern city

I am still waiting for the approval process. However, I would like to introduce Lamplight, a project I’ve been working on (here and there) for a while now. It’s already pretty much done and I’ll be bothering the builders for approval!

I kept running into a problem with the ageplay zones that exist currently: They tend to be so limited in scope, usually allowing only one theme that prevails over the whole zone. I wanted to make one place that will enable as much variety of cub-related topics as possible. There’s an arcade and a playground for kids to meet up with minimal supervision, a forest for meeting ferals, even slums and bad parts of town for non-con and more extreme kinks!

I also plan to allow thematically appropriate small zones to be added to mine, once it’s up and going. For example, I have the space to include a school, some shops, and things like that if somebody wanted to add content to my zone.

I look forward to announcing the official opening very soon!


I don’t want to be a joykill, but a place like that exists already.
Have you ever explored patchwork square? is an ageplay/agegap district of cape theia and seemingly never even got on the radar in the first place. I suggest checking it out and look if your plans can be additions to it or distinct more than enough from it.

sigh…just one of the many places that never got attention.

Anyway, we are looking forward to see what you are cooking here ^^


The owner of that zone was not interested in any of my building contributions, and that zone is strictly consensual play only and doesn’t allow certain other types of play (Infantilism, zoo, etc). The owner also hasn’t been on for most of this year.

The point of my zone is to allow different types of play with ageplay as the common theme. As far as I can tell, my zone scratches itches that others do not.

At any rate I’ll be online today if you’d like me to show you or any other builders around.


I think we’re getting to a point where most kinks are already implemented in some way or another :sweat_smile:

I agree that it can become a bit redundant if the areas are the exact same but I don’t think that’s the case here. Ageplay is a tricky category in that there are different variations of depending on who you talk to. I think that’s the same for most kinks really but with something as broad as this one I’d say it’s fair to have multiple areas on the one kink, especially if it’s providing something new or different to the one already existing.

At some point we’re going to reach a point where we run out of kinks that can have designated areas XD Everyone has different rules of what they want to see and ways they’d like to play or explore their own kinks and this whole first-come first-serve bases of builds is a little unfair to those who came later than the rest ^^"

It does get a bit upsetting though when areas don’t get enough attention from the start but hey… not many people tend to explore outside of sinder anyways, so let’s give the wanderers space to run around in and explore!


Also if the concern is that there’s too many redundant areas with zero players, maybe de-link the areas that nobody uses and make room for new people to try new things?

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I shall take a look in due time.

And I do agree with you on that. Patchwork suffers from the same cape theia does, having no active caretaker. We will see.


I’d be happy to attend the opening.


Lamplight has been approved!

We will have our grand opening on Friday, Sept 22!

Remember Lamplight exists to facilitate all ageplay related content, from light and snuggly to dark and violent, from actual cubs to adults who like to wear padding, and even ferals and Pokemon are welcome!

Currently, Lamplight is complete and has a single sub-area attached to it. However, if people enjoy the zone and want to contribute, there are also spaces for more sub-areas to be added. I hope to be able to link self-moderated sub-areas for other players like schools and clinics eventually!

But for now, I’ll get the zone linked up next week, and look forward to seeing people there. Friday, Sept 22! Be there! <3


Would there be a chance some people who like cubs and stuff like that can maybe apply? For maybe like if they have some fun activities?, and also can you let me know when the opening is

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I’m pretty sure the opening was said in the last bit of his message


Today is the big day! Come and take a look around!


Can you give me some directions on how to get there?

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Yes! It’s on the Gray train line, so from Station Park to the Train Station, then Platform 2, then the Gray Line. the exit will say Lamplight City.


Interesting little place ya got here

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Question: how do you get in the puppy pound club because when I try to see the area rules it’s says better to say quiet here.

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You have to type in “Go (Place)”


If you read the room description, it will tell you the command you need to use to enter.


I love this area :heart: So much more active than Patchwork! Plus a club! So naughty >w<


To those who expressed interested in Lamplight above: Cherry Lane Academy has now opened, and navigation throughout the area has been upgraded in accordance with modern standards.

There’s room for more suitable businesses and institutions to set up shop, so please reach out to Dalton if you have an idea which you wish to bring to life!