The Nexus in the Void

The shards of the Rift spread around though the endless void, but some of them are easier to reach now. Thanks to the amazing technology provided by the mayor himself, you can travel thorugh lands that are far more alien than the Sinder neighborhood!

Which in OOC terms is

We’re opening a pilot for an easier way to set up public areas. As you know, having a public area added to the world usually takes a bit of a review and some back and forth. At the same time, the private areas are hard to discover. Fear not, as now you have a third option much in line with the nexus idea.

For travellers

teleport nexus is now open and will hopefully lead you on many new adventures.

For builders of the nexus

If you want to have your rooms publicly linked and accessible to everyone via the nexus you only need to do one thing: make sure you got an area set up (teleport academy for the area details), and the area has some rules defined. Reach out to any builder with the requested exit name, keyword, and the room id (get room id) of your new place, and it will be linked to the nexus global teleport.

We don’t impose any specific guidelines or rules, so feel free to experiment.

One area per character!


I’m working on an enormous island for my original species!!
It’s super super unfinished but once I get the general arrival spot done (and put EvErY room on ONE area :sweat_smile:), I’ll request!!
Besides my island isn’t for review and official buildery stuff, but yeah, I’d love to have it linked to the world!