Something that disturbs me

Ok, so apparently Ess Kanine, a bot, can just teleport into private rooms, and owned areas. They managed to somehow teleport into several rooms of the Shrine, and at least one of the private rooms. I also spotted them doing it in the park, but that’s less concerning as they may still have it registered as a teleport point. What is disturbing to me, is that they managed to teleport into my build, the Vaell Shrine, without being the owner, or, to my knowledge, having any teleport points registered in the rooms, as I have only the entrance set up for that. The biggest concern however, is that not only do I not know how they are managing this, but by teleporting into a private rooms, they have broken one of the shrines rules, that being the one that prohibits entering a private room without permission. Considering they’re a bot, I highly doubt Lyaca gave her permission. I am unsure what to do about any of this, and so I ask for someone to please help me figure this out.


We accidentally set it so go over the private rooms, but we wiped the rooms saved when we realised the mistake. Ess then walked over all the public areas olny (twice because someone deleted the file after she was done, ugh!).

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Ess moves around by teleporting becasue she canonically doesn’t walk.


For those that don’t know, Ess is used to map the realm, correct Shinyuu?


Yeahs! We need the up-to-date map of the world because something exciting is coming! (hint: it has five to nine paws and you can ride it)


This explains a lot. It was just a little disturbing seeing someone, even a bot randomly teleport into a room is all. I wasn’t sure what was going on. At least this got cleared up quickly.

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If this five to nine pawed thing is a ridable bot. I really don’t want it here. I don’t want to normalize traveling bots. I’d really like to see them locked to zones or in one room.

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It will be more a bot that you can use as rideable to get to the main teleport rooms of more hidden areas like Nox or Scalevania. We noticed that with now having over 1000 rooms in the public net, that we may need a guide to allow people to explore the way to these areas.

As far as I understood how the bot will work is to not be a teleport bot, but one you can follow, who will then walk with you to your point of destination allowing you to get a better sense of the map.

Have I explained that correctly, @Shinyuu?

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Further on this, we put a lot of trust in builders given that they have this power. Before you started using it to write a bot that teleports everywhere (even if it is programmed for only public) this should have been a discussion.

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On the subject of things being inaccessible/hard to find. Why not just make all area teleports automatically learned? Makes a convenient list, doesn’t involve creepy bots. This just moves that list to a bot npc. I thought folks didn’t want the big listing though?

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If I understand this correctly, I’ve seen a few chats and posts about trying to navitage Wolfery in general. Not all rooms follow cardinal directions and sometimes when entering a different area, the “go back” option can be in a different place than you were used to on the previous area, it gets very very confusing very fast (I got lost so many times x3 )

Given how wide Wolfery has become I think new ideas for getting around and even maybe a bot that you can follow to get actual directions is a very welcome idea to try out!

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This was going on for more than half a year and no one was bothered hm. The only reason someone noticed it now was because @farcaller made the bot much faster to walk around (and because it travelled too far out).

I fully respect your privacy and I am really mindful about not abusing the extra buttons I got. But at the same time there’s zero expectation for someone to not travel through public areas much as there’s zero expectation for privacy in the pillows room hm.

I don’t want to normalize traveling bots.

I want to try out several alternatives before giving up. I saw the area usage stats and I really want to see people outside of Sinder Park. There’s lots of great stuffs out there to experience, which just withers in obscurity.

Why not just make all area teleports automatically learned?

You severely underestimate the amount of public teleports. There are more than a hundred of those.

That said, I’m always open to ideas on how to improve the world navigation!


You severely underestimate the amount of public teleports. There are more than a hundred of those.

Would this travel bot include all these locations? No, a curated list of entry points. As learned teleport locations this is much easier to curate.

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This week I was chatting with someone who apparently made a very appealing new area but didn’t want to link it up because they felt the world was already too large.

I really agree with your sentiment that the world has many things outside of Sinder Town that need to be experienced! Some are very hidden but just as beautiful and interesting, at least we can use new ways of helping people find their entrances~


As learned teleport locations this is much easier to curate.

I know for a fact there are no spontaneous crowds in Do’nezo or Seziban and both of those have global teleports. Insofar I only managed to get some people moving around by gamification (the lucky fluff), but it doesn’t last because you can get coins but cannot spend them. I think that a curated list of routes with a follow bot is more efficient in helping people to get around and find new places than a curated list of teleports hmm. It’s more contextual, I guess?

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If any supporter can and will make bots I don’t want to see them whizzing past me. Even if I trust the vixen bot code (Even if not malicious certainly exploitable). I know I’m not expected privacy in public, but I draw my line there and don’t want this normalized. It looks silly, will give me an air of unease and adds zero additional functionally to adding more teleport locations which people seem to agree doesn’t help.

Edit: Shit, there are spontaneous crowds in umber all the time and that is far far away.

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But that is only the case because Ace and his crime family is currently at that point online. Trust me, without them online doing their thing even that place is a ghost town.


This is such a nonsense argument. The place is a ghost town when the regulars aren’t there? Of course, it is usually the regulars that make up a location. Getting regulars involves building a community. I’m of the firm belief nothing is wrong. I want people in the park. That represents the Sinder community at large. Especially now that it is smaller than many discord groups.

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I do feel like this topic is starting to veer into off topic themes that continue to be brought up about exploration and population.

I would like to float the idea that maybe no bots should have builder or mod level permissions unless they are used on the test server. Just a jackalope’s two cents.


What I wanted to say with that, was that Umber got built with that grouping especially in mind. There was a time a few months ago, where it attracted quite a bit of traction beyond this mentioned group, where Umber felt alive besides people hanging out in the pub, who only rarely integrate wandering strangers into their play. It is now at a point, where it being publicly visible only rarely makes a difference.

What I understand under an actually alive area are areas like Sinder, the forest and recently Scalevania as well. You go there and you don’t necessarily only find the same duo or trio interacting with each other. And don’t get me wrong, I am fine with the fact that the park is still the place where most hang out (with the pillow room now being the sexual-focused park), but you have to give me that, that the park is in a roleplay sense an inspirationally dousing place. With the set-up usually being the same, the props limited, the theme chewed over times and times again.

The beauty of giving people more options to explore and find new places that inspire them is to allow for more roleplay-focused play to occur instead of the slice of life that is Sinder. And a tastefully crafted bot to help finding these inspiring places and putting them in the mind of the players to maybe even create characters built for that location will help with diversifying the themes again a bit more.

I am on your page that a bot with builder privileges is not one that is putting ease on people. And besides Ess, who is our mapmaker, will you not see such guide bots running around by themselves.


Noted! However, Wolfery is a shared space where many people have many ideas and preferences. We really have to focus on the reasoning, cause and effect. Sometimes, you just have to try stuff to see how it goes! One of the disadvantages with teleports is that the movement of players is not surfaced to other players. This creates a situation where many players are standing around just wondering where people disappear off to, and how. This isn’t hypothetical, either–I’ve talked to them! Not everyone is so social as to go asking. So, revealing the movement of players between zones could be a helpful tool to encourage exploration and curiosity. As it stands, we already have a Follow system which functions identically, with the only difference being that it’s a player character whizzing past you with someone else. Unless you happen to know them, these is functionally identical situations, but don’t seem to cause many qualms yet (except when abused! We’ll have to watch for that, too.) Perhaps you can just pretend they’re players! Who knows, maybe some day one might be and you wouldn’t even know it!

In the mean time, I think it would be a boon to the community and project if you maintained an open mind and see if, say, six months from now you actually have any related issue knocking on your door without going and looking for one. n_n Maybe you can even give them a try! Who knows, you might like what’s being worked on. Either way, we’ll keep your feedback in mind and make it as amicable to you and any like-minded users, and as useful and fun for the users who will use and enjoy it!