Release v1.61.0 - Improved reporting

This release contains general updates to reporting, with “character profile reporting” being the main feature. It has been on my to-do list for a long time, but the updates to Terms of Service, introduced with this release, made me implement it finally.

Apart from that, we have a lot of other small improvements. Let’s have a look!

Room scripts, introduced in last release, also needs improvements to become useful. But those improvements will have to wait until next release. Some bugs that rendered room scripts completely broken have at least been fixed.


Improved reporting

Reporting has been upgraded with some new features:

A friendly disclaimer
For privacy’s sake, we don’t monitor characters or communication. Instead, moderation relies on the players reporting harassment, unfitting content, or other issues. The top disclaimer is added to remind you of this.
Help the community as a whole by reporting bad behavior!
GitHub #313 - Friendly report disclaimer

Exclude private communication with others
When attaching logs, the option Exclude private communication with others will exclude private communication, such as whispers or messages, with other characters. Private communication with the reported character will still be included.
This option is enabled by default.
Thanks to @Kelmi for the suggestion in this topic!
GitHub #312 - Filter private messages in report log

Attach character profile to report
When enabled, the character’s current profile will be attached to the report. This includes information such as image, avatar, name, gender, species, description, about, and tags.
It is the appearance of the character at the time when the checkbox was check that will be attached, and not the appearance when the report is sent, in case they change appearance while the report is being written.
The character doesn’t have to be in the same room.
GitHub #288 - Report profile

Report command opens dialog
The reporting command, report, will now open up the Report character dialog.
This allows a reporter to also attach logs and a character’s current profile to the report.
Thanks again to @Kelmi for bringing up the need in this topic!
GitHub #309 - Report command to open dialog

Report button on Character Info page
When looking at a character, a Report button has been added at the bottom of the Character Info page. Clicking this button will open the Report character dialog with the option “Attach character profile to report” enabled.
GitHub #288 - Report profile


Updated policies

The Privacy Policy and Terms of Service have been updated:

Privacy Policy

Section: Where the information is stored


Mucklet AB is located in Sweden, which is part of EU. All the information will be processed and stored in Sweden.


Mucklet AB is located in Sweden, which is part of EU. All the information will be processed and stored within EU.

Terms of Service

Section: Prohibited content - You may not upload content that contains:


realistic or semi-realistic sexually suggestive or explicit images of children;


sexually suggestive or explicit images of characters with childlike appearance;

For more info on these changes, the reasons behind them, and the community discussion, see:
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy update

Notes button in Character Info footer

When looking at a character, a Note button has been added at the bottom of the Character Info page:
Clicking the button will open the Character notes dialog.

Improved chat log readability

Line height and margin between events in the chat log have been increased to improve readability.
Thanks to @Crassus for the suggestions on typepgraphy adjustments in this thread!
GitHub #319 - Improve chat log readability

Rename room script init to onActivate

The init function in room scripts has been renamed to onActivate to clarify when the function is called.

// Deprecated: export function init(): void { /* ... */ }
export function onActivate(): void { /* ... */ }

The previous name, init, still works but will eventually be removed.
onActivate will take priority over init if both exported functions exist.
Thanks to @farcaller for suggesting this change!
GitHub #1 - Rename init to onActivate

Improve file thumbs handling

The service handling files has been updated. Thumbnail images are now actually deleted from the server when the original image is deleted.

Deleted file placeholder

If an image file fails to load, a placeholder will be used instead of the browser’s default broken image placeholder:


Deleted characters break focus list
If there was a deleted/not found character lingering on your focus list, it became impossible to use list focused. It was also impossible to use tab complete on the unfocus command. This has been fixed.
GitHub #282 - Deleted characters breaks list focus and unfocus

Backup restore script not including room scripts
Restoring the Test realm from backups did not include room scripts. This has been fixed, and a realm-agnostic restore script has been created.

Room scripts stop working after release
Whenever a new release of the server was deployed, all room scripts stopped working. This has been fixed.

Room scripts exceeding call duration on
When a room script posted a message to another script that took time to load, the sending script would stop running due to exceeding the call duration limit. This has been fixed, and returns after queueing the message without waiting for the target script to load.

Room script compile request timeout
When creating or updating the source code of a room script, and the compilation took more than 3 seconds, you would get the error:

Request timeout

This has been fixed, and compilation timeout limit is extended to 30 seconds.

Messages dropped on full work queue
The file service in particular has suffered from dropped requests due to the getting a filled up work queue. This has been fixed with a dynamically resizable work queue, which will hopefully cause avatar images to load properly again.

Thumbnail images not deleted
Thumbnail images has not been deleted from the service when an image has been deleted. This has been fixed, and thumbnails are now deleted together with the original image.


Wipe character image (moderator)

Moderators can now wipe images and avatars from character profiles.
When a character snapshot is attached to a report, there will be a Wipe button showing next to the image and the avatar.

If an image/avatar is wiped, the following will happen:

  • The image and all its thumbnails will be deleted from the server
  • The image will be removed the character if it is currently in use
  • The image will be removed from any of the character’s stored profiles
  • A moderator action will be added to the report. Info text will tell where the image was found:
  • A notification will be shown to the player next time they log in:

A new moderator command has also been added that allows wiping of images without the need for a report with a character snapshot:

wipe char John Doe : avatar

When used and confirmed, a moderator action will be added to any existing report. If a report doesn’t exist for the character, one will be created and assigned to the moderator using the command.
For more info, type:

help wipe char


When using the wipe char command, if the character changes their image at the moment before the wipe is confirmed, their new image will be targeted. To avoid this risk, create a report with a character profile attachment instead, and wipe the image from the snapshot dialog window.