Clarify log attachments and their contents for moderation reports

The output of help report should probably mention more explicitly that this is not the intended way to create moderation reports with relation to things happening in the chat. I know that is mentioned under help reporting, but the existence of that is quite easy to ignore when the shorter option seemingly gives the relevant info.

Secondly, and more importantly, the contents of the logs attached to reports via the chat report UI should be clarified. The timeframe selector currently there makes it somewhat vague. Ideally there should be a preview of the included contents.

It should also be possible to control the inclusion of private messaging where its irrelevant to the case. I would at least feel quite uncomfortable forwarding logs even to the moderation team in certain cases where my private personal messages unrelated to some public incident are saved alongside the actual report.


Good catch, Kelmi!
Yes. I agree; the help report should mention it. I’ll add it to my Todo.

As for report “preview”, I also agree. I have been thinking about replacing the time-slider completely, and instead let you select start and stop in a preview of your chat. But I got stuck at not coming up with a good GUI solution for it.

I also agree with the exclusion of private messages - I know it has been mentioned before, even if I don’t remember exactly where. I imagine a checkbox filtering out of Whispers/Messages/Mail which does not involve the reported character.

A completely unrelated feature; Scene tagging

If we do the “Chat-preview selector” (or whatever we call it) nice enough, I hope we can also use the same feature in a Scene tagging function, where you can select a certain chat log section and tag it for easy finding and re-reading.


all the important stuffs! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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