Release v1.57.0 - Looking for roleplay

This release contains many useful features, as well as bugfixes, and work on making the client more realm agnostic. But the most interesting addition might still be the new Looking for Roleplay functionality.

I look forward to see how it will be used!


Looking for Roleplay

A new d20 (icosahedron) icon has been added to the toolbar for your controlled character:

Clicking the icon will open up the Looking for roleplay page:


This allows you to describe what sort of roleplay you are looking for. It may be used for things like in-character roleplay setup, out-of-character info on what type of roleplay you seek, or directions on where to find you.

Once done, you can click Start LFRP. This will cause a blue dot to appear on your character badge in the Awake and In Room list:


It is also possible to filter the Awake list to show/highlight characters currently looking for roleplay. This is done by checking the new “Show looking for RP” box above the Search filter:

By looking at a character set as Looking for roleplay, or by clicking their badge in the Awake list to see the About character info, you can read their LFRP description:


It is also possible to set your Looking for roleplay status using commands. For more info, type:

help lfrp
help stop lfrp

Some additional notes:

  • Your LFRP status will be deactivated on sleep, but your description remains stored.
  • To reactivate your LFRP status with your previous description, simply type: lfrp
  • The description can contain up to 4000 characters.
  • The description may be empty.
  • This is the first iteration of the LFRP feature. Feedback is appreciated.
  • Since LFRP partly overlaps the status feature, later releases may see changes to status.

Thanks to all the input I received in this topic!

GitHub issue #240 - Looking for roleplay

Mute ooc communication and messages

Contributed by @Kelmi (nice work!), we now have the option to mute any communication marked as OOC, or messages sent with the message command.

To mute OOC communication, type:

mute ooc

To mute messages sent with the message command, type:

mute message

For more info, see:

help mute ooc
help stop mute ooc
help mute message
help stop mute message

GitHub issue #241 - Mute ooc messages and messages sent by other characters

List focused characters

Also contributed by @Kelmi (great stuff!), we now have a command to list characters being focused:

list focused

This will produce a list of currently focused characters:

For more info, type:

help list focused

GitHub issue #87 - List focused

List area locations

A command has been added to allow area owners to list area locations:

list area My penthouse: locations

This will list the name and #ID of any room, private room, subarea, or private subarea.
For more info, see:

help list area locations

Thanks to @HongChen for the feature suggestion in this topic!
GitHub issue #225 - List area locations

List room tenants

It is now possible for room owners to list characters who has set their room as a home or as a teleporter node.

To list character with room set as home, type:

get room tenants

To list character with room set as a teleporter node, type:

get room teleporters

(To evict any tenant, you can use: help evict)


The decision to use get instead of list as a command prefix is because of plans to deprecate list in favor of get to simplify command structure.

Thanks to @Shinyuu for suggesting the feature in this topic!
GitHub issue #229 - List tenants

Get area parent

The get area command has been extended to allow getting the ID of its parent area:

get area parent

GitHub issue #227 - Get parent area

Remove area locations owned by other players

Area owners may now remove locations (rooms and subareas) owned by characters belonging to other players. This is done by setting the room’s area, or the area’s parent, to none:

set room area = none
set area #ID_OF_SUBAREA : parent = none

(To get ID of a subarea, see: help list area locations)

GitHub issue #236 - Remove others rooms and subareas from areas


Mucklet logo

A new realm agnostic logo has been created for Mucklet, replacing the paw it has been borrowing from the Wolfery realm:


You will see the logo as a favicon in the browser tab when you login in, on your Mucklet account page, and in any email communication you get regarding your account.

GitHub issue #248 - Mucklet logo

Realm login recovery

When clicking the “Problems logging in?” link on the Mucklet login page, to open the Recover account dialog, the realm which redirected to the login is now used for Character name recovery. Previously, the Recover account dialog always used Wolfery.

GitHub issue #251 - Realm login recover

Deprecated Show all

The “Show all” checkbox previously at the top of the Awake list, that toggled if non-watched characters should be shown, has been deprecated and removed.
The same space is now used for the “Show looking for RP” filter.


Deleted rooms not removed as teleport nodes
When a room that has been registered as a teleport node was deleted, the node was not deleted from characters’ teleport destinations. This has been fixed together with a similar issue where registered teleport destinations were not deleted when a character was deleted.
Thanks to @Windchaser for reporting the issue in this topic!

Error clicking whois info
After using the whois command, and then clicking the character info in the chat log, the About Character dialog that shows up would not contain any tags. An error was also logged to the console:

Cannot convert undefined or null to object

This has been fixed.
GitHub issue #223 - Whois not listing tags

Connection issues
Many users have been reporting issues with loss of connections, Access denied errors, and characters auto-sleeping. Attempts have been made to try to solve these connection related issues by trying to ensure that the access token gets properly refreshed when needed.
GitHub issue #222 - Connection issues

Address can be recalled on people not in the room
It has been possible to use the address command to address characters currently not in the room. This has been fixed.
Thanks to @Talon for reporting the issue, and to @Kredden contributing with a solution!
GitHub issue #165 - Address can be recalled on people not in the room


Custom about info (admin)
Administrators may now customize the about the world information:

set config about = Welcome to Sinder, a city built in the midst of the rift.

It may be formatted and span multiple lines.
This info is shown when players use the help about command.
GitHub issue #247 - Custom about info