Actual Behvaior:
Typing out a pose on one character, swap to another. Input box still has full pose typed out ready to mav. History contains all characters.
Expected Behavior:
Typing out a pose on one character, swap out to another and have either blank input or character specific input. History of just that character.
I definitely want this - the amount of times I’ve been writing out a long pose on one character then at some point I’ve switched to another character and then I post a long detailed pose about sucking somebody’s dick into the middle of a regular conversation. Pretty embarrassing.
The history being shared is also pretty annoying, I’ve accidentally messaged people the same thing from different characters before when I’ve been talking on one character and repeatedly using commands on the other. An example is when I was setting the area for multiple rooms, while messaging on another character, quickly did a Ctrl + UpArrow and hit Enter to run the command again and sent the same message again but from a different character, revealing my other character in the process.
I agree, this would be great. Whenever I’m typing something out and I need to swap between characters to check/read something I’m paranoid about the message sitting in the window down there a single wrong key press away from being sent. XD And I rarely roleplay on alts and don’t especially keep them secret, either.
I agree with this whole heartedly. This is complication when switching around between characters as I do builder stuff and have multiple characters bouncing around collecting info I need. I have to juggle copy/paste a lot.
Oh! I didn’t know this was such a desired feature!
And it shouldn’t be hard at all to implement either. I might, due to technical reasons, not do nice animation swoshes (left/right swipe animations) for the text transition, though.
I’d rather not have swooshy animations, but yes. I was waiting to bring it up since it is a simple UI thing I end up juggling copy paste with. Often end up swapping mid pose to read and having it looming there is frightening, hah.