Release v1.40.2 - Mobile layout

Don’t be fooled by the small increase in version number - this release contains something rather big; Mobile layout!


Mobile layout

The web client now switches to a more mobile friendly layout when rendered on smaller screens:

  • Yellow - The area at the top shows the tabs for the Realm panel.
  • Red - The character avatar at the top left shows the character being looked at. Clicking it opens the Character panel
  • Green - The top right badge shows the current room and how many are in it. Clicking it opens the Room panel

By clicking the vertical ellipsis (⋮) on the left of the top bar toggles the meny for Settings and Logout :

Area page

The mobile layout does not have the area badge or the area mini map. To get to the area page, open the Room Info panel by clicking the room badge at the top right. Under the room name, you can find the clickable area badge if the room belongs to an area:


Forcing a layout

There are three layout modes:

  • auto (default)
  • desktop
  • mobile

The default auto mode will automatically switch layout to mobile when at a max width of 720 pixels. If you wish to use a specific layout, you can do this by using a query parameter for the URL.

For desktop, use:

For mobile, use:

There are still a lot of more improvements to be made for mobile usage, but this is the first big step.

Realm panel tabs

The same tabbed navigation that has been added for the mobile layout is also now used for the default desktop layout:



Removed initial reconnect delay

There used to be a 3 seconds delay when the client reconnected after being disconnected. This delay has been removed, and the client will try to reconnect as soon as possible.
This should improve the experience for mobile users, where the mobile OS quickly disconnects the client when it is running in the background.

Mobile dialogs

In a addition to the mobile layout, dialogs showing on a smaller screen will now take up the whole screen area.
This will hopefully solve issues like big profiles not being closable on phones.

Awake list sorted by most recent

The Awake list is not sorted with the most recently awake character at the top.
Thanks to @Sabayon for suggesting it in this topic.


Error using set char command (admin / builder)
A bug causing an error prevented the use of the set char command. This has been fixed.

Error scrolling back to older logs
When scrolling back to older logs in the chat, it sometimes stopped working after a few pages. This has been fixed.
Thanks to @Xetem for reporting it in this topic.