Release v1.12.0 - Tag groups and tag list GUI


Tag groups

To provide better structure to tags, admins can now create groups (categories) for tags.

The list tags command has been updated to show tags by group.

Character tags page

To further simplify selecting tags, a new Character Tags page has been added.
If you go to your Edit Character page, by clicking the pencil (✎) icon on your Character Info page, you will find a list ( ☰) icon by the Tags section.


Click the icon to open the Character Tags page:


  • Click once to select a tag as “like” (blue)
  • Click twice to select a tag as “dislike” (orange)
  • Click thrice to deselect a tag

Clicking the info (🛈) icons will show tag descriptions.
Once done selecting tags, save them by clicking the Update button at the page bottom.


Profile avatars

Avatars are now stored as part of a profile. Existing profiles has been set to use the character’s current avatar.

Thanks for the suggestion, @azure :smiley:.

Updating profile image

A profile’s image can now be updated with the current character image. The same goes for avatars.

Use the GUI to edit the profile, and click Update:

Or use the following commands to update the profile:

set profile beach outfit : image
set profile beach outfit : avatar

See: help set profile

Bug fixes

Popup tips not closing
Fixed bug that caused popup tips (the info (🛈) icons) not to close when clicking another popup tip.


Updated global tag commands (admin)
Commands to manage global tags are updated to support tag groups.

help create globaltag
help set globaltag

Tag group commands (admin)
Added commands to manage tag groups.

help create taggroup
help set taggroup
help delete taggroup
help list taggroups
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