Hello other Wolferiens! I have came up with a new business idea for Sinder! A nice new general store! it’s like a supermarket (deli, bakery, pharmacy, garden area etc.) but combined with a convenient store! (drinks machines, convenient foods, etc.) plus a few spins of my own! Like having a few other businesses inside! those being a coffee shop, bookstore and print shop! the name will be Drago’s multistore! (if someone has a better name hmu (hit me up) on the form or on wolfery through a whisper or mail)
Drago-Mart! LOL maybe jk~ This is a very interesting idea.
Not a bad name idea ngl but I’ll let others comment what they think then I’ll consider :3
Drago-Mart actually sounds pretty nice ngl
Well well. Didn’t expect the name suggestion to get love xD
Same lol. Drago-mart it is
Honestly, this sounds like a mall. It’s perfect!
that’s another way to look at it! A mall that’s a general store
So anyone down for this? Any builders interested?
Coolio! @Jagrabbit , whaddaya think of this mart?
Admittedly, I’m fine with the idea but can’t give approval for anything until I’ve seen a built location.
I believe there may currently be more than numerous users currently seeking to place this type of location in Sinder -one who approached the idea weeks ago.
Regardless of placement in Sinder or not, I’m sure there are multiple places in the grid we can place businesses of this sort.
I’ll try to get to the bottom of this today so I have something more definite to tell you.
Ok! I will show it when I’m done!
It’s looking like we do have a little market/deli coming in for sure, and a local news paper.
If we’re looking to install another publicly linked store, it would likely need to be in Cape Theia in the market district or where similarly appropriate.
Truth be told, we’re getting pretty close to putting a capstone on the expansion of the existing Town of Sinder area in general. We really do need more outward expansion into new towns/regions/locations.
Oh ok. That’s fine. if it will let it happen then so be it.
(edit bcz I can’t edit for some reason) Drago-mart hiring and coming soon!