New Place of Business ReDux: proposal for albiviller's delight

hello wolferiens. I make this post as a proposal. as albiviller’s delight is being demolished and a possible empty space is available, I propose my store (link below) to fill it if possible. to hear more about this store. please read the post on the link.

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Hey Drago, do you have the room ID so a builder can teleport to it and review your build?

Sinder is not currently looking for new developments at this time.
We’re excited to hear about new areas/sub-areas for placement outside of Sinder however!

If you’d like to pursue building your business somewhere in Cape Theia as we discussed previously, we’d be happy to take a look at what you’ve built in the meanwhile - its been a little while so it should be neat to see what you built up! ^^

Ok! I’ll send the ID for the main entrance area for it! here you go!

Here’s a bunch of notes I scribbled wihle roaming around.

  • Geezies this build is huge. I can’t really provide much feedback on the rooms individually at this point so just varied stuffs.

  • Entry foyer has a massive amount of exits, I don’t think I ever saw such a crowded room in wolfery ever.

  • I sure understand the rolepaly value of having the elevator sex, but it makes the navigation much more confusing.

  • The overwhelming majority of exits I saw don’t have the transition messages set up.

  • (i did two for one cuz im running out of ideas)

    Well, maybe you don’t need all that stuffs then?..

  • Wow! all kinds of eletronics! Phones, Tablets and computers!

    This is rather shallow as well. What’s the point of having all those aisles if they don’t provide any content?

  • what does ‘international foods’ mean in the context of Wolfery?

  • there are plenty of rooms that aren’t mapped out and are the generic new rooms. What’s the point of e.g. having a bakery freezer if there’s nothing inside?

  • there are dedicated rooms for all kinds of gaming consoles. I honestly don’t see any point in those given the content inside.

  • it sure gave me a chuckle to check the books on conspiracies and see that it doesn’t exist; nailed the r/BirdsArentReal feel.

Overall I have a feeling this build is miles wide but is very shallow. One can easily get lost there and yet there’s not that mcuh content to stay – once you saw one room on the floor you kinda sawe it all, all the toilets are the same and such.

I’d like you to think in terms of practicality instead of realism. Yeah, there sure are toilets on every floor of a shopping centre, but does it make sense to have them the same in Wolfery? Most of those won’t be used ever, so it’s fine to cut on such details.

I’ll go a bit further than Shinyuu’s points above. This build is not going to work. First and foremost, it is way over the maximum room limit for a single character. That’s a bug, which I believe Accipiter is fixing now. The maximum number of owned rooms is 60.
Second, this is basically a content void. Having dedicated rooms for everything isn’t going to contribute to good roleplay. This build is over 160 rooms. The entire city of Sinder is considerably less than that.

I think this is a good time to just delete just about everything, start over and go at this with a “Less is more” approach. Even if a game store spans an entire floor, it can very well be contained in a single room. Describe what the different sections are, rather than having twenty rooms with two line descriptions.

Ok. apologies with all the rooms… I’m a man of detail. I’ll slim it down to make things better if that will help

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Man of detail! Just be sure that those details aren’t “I’m bored and out of ideas. myeh. words go here!” Instead, maybe real it back in and just go deeper on fewer rooms and ditch the ones you’re not feeling so inspired about - just make some larger generalized areas for the stuff that is mostly boring you as you build.

Definitely don’t need to have a room for every cabinet in the kitchen, so to speak. Just have a room for the general area and use some handy collapse tags if you want to describe a few details here and there. Maybe pick a few things that you think you can make a specialized themed area out of and shine those up really nice and if you’re feeling uninspired, work on that stuff sometime later.

I would say, see what you can pack into fewer than 20 rooms. Try to make some rooms that clearly move traffic around the building and then some out of the way specialty rooms that you feel strongly about having some fun setting up off to the side of those traffic lanes inside the building (so people aren’t dashing around any more than needed through other people’s scenes)