New Bot coming to town

Why is the new update taking a while to be released? :thinking:

  1. I am re-developing the mucklet bot library from scratch to completely support the client side of Resgate. Why? Not only will it allow for even more features to be rolled out super quickly and larger range of bot uses to be covered but I was also sort of indirectly challenged to do so in this post >w<
  2. The old source code for the bot was all in a single file… Ouch, this made debugging and adding in features a big pain.
  3. I found a huge flaw in the original library that would allow for characters to gain access to the computer running it. I bodged a patch for it untill I can finish the new better version.

Sorry for any inconveniences, you will still be able to use the bot but it won’t receive any updates for the time being. (And yes I did make a bit of a bratty move by doing something that I was told would be too hard >w<) Well, I am getting there ^w^

You will not lose your Ballance upon an update either.

~The cute floof Ico