Mobile issues

Just so you know, I use an Android phone. My iPad doesn’t have this issue as it’s a computer-esque layout.

The images will be self explanatory.

When I try to type like this it comes out backwards. As such
This is a room
turns into
room a is This
Or similar. Same deal with editing a room.

It is semi fixable by going into full screen.

Then if I tap the input areas again (to fix a typo etc) the command console comes up even further.

But if I have two characters online, it gets even more cramped.

Suffice it so say that areas just make it worse.

Been dealing with this for a long time. I believe @FlooferFox has posted about it to no success.
Mobile client building

I have resorted to writing my character descriptions/abouts in a notepad app and using fullscreen on wolfery when I have to for gender etc.
I hope all the images work.

Floof :3

Please ignore that I am online at 2am :'3
Don’t worry, I have a sleep schedule to accomodate my nocturnal tendencies.

The keyboard size there looks massive. Is that the default?

I’m pretty sure the issue comes from your keyboard. If you were to try changing it, I recommend Gboard. It has a feature of resizing and moving keyboard across the screen, which could maybe help