[Linked] Scalevania - Castle Drakemoor / Swiftclaw Township / Drakemoor Farms

Along the road over the East Sinder bridge and at the Riverbank Trail / Eastside Trail, a newly paved road can be seen heading towards the woodland areas. Upon following this road, one will come across the large stone gate and walls of Castle Drakemoor as it is guarded by armored kobolds and other species. Upon gaining entry to the main gates, they shall be met with it’s grand central plaza that also find that an attunable teleported node is located here, and there are three major routes of the foot traffic……

Northward Street: Castle Drakemoor’s Inner Entrance
Westward Street: Swiftclaw Township
Eastward Street: Drakemoor farms.

Castle Drakemoor: A massive towering castle rests in the center of the region and serves as a massive bastion and for sanctuary for any dragon of any breed to visit and be themselves without fear of persecution of the other races and is built to house full-sized feral dragons and doesn’t force them to resort to smaller forms (max height is 24ft. or 7.3m tall). This castle has all of the amenities of any dragon-run castle such as……

  • A full staff of kobolds (treat with respect please)
  • Magma Spa for fellow fire dragons
  • Full unisex bathhouse
  • Massive heated indoor swimming pool
  • Botanical Gardens w/ Stone Grotto for more secluded swimming.
  • Fully Equipped Dungeons for your mischievous rabble and punishment.
  • Any many more!

Swiftclaw Township: This newly bustling town is home to the Swiftclaw Clan, the kobold tribe responsible for constructing the great castle and maintain the many facilities around the premises. Lead and founded by their chieftain, Kalara Swiftclaw they help maintain order and ensure that people’s time in the town is both safe and a great time! Clan Swiftclaw always welcomes new merchants and artisans that wish to build a shop here and further expand the services provided here at Drakemoor. The current services that the town hosts include….

  • Bold Phoenix Tavern
  • Gilded Dragon’s Embrace Clinic
  • Temple of the Divines
  • Residential District; currently accepting new residents and linking homes! (Contact Marvok the Dragon for more info)

Drakemoor Farms: The bread and butter of Drakemoor’s economy other than the town. Drakemoor Farms hosts a variety of livestock and other crops that are harvested for their food and resource as well as offer a food offered nowhere else in Sinder; REAL GENUINE MEAT! All meat is harvested from purely primal livestock and no feral or anthro folks are harmed in the making of these meat products. The farms also offer both public milking AND breeding machines for both livestock and lewdfaring guests, and the kobold crews ensure that the machines are always clean and ready for use at the user’s discretion.

All parts of Drakemoor are currently looking for employees and volunteers for all areas of employment ranging from baristas & bartenders at the tavern, doctors & nurses at the clinic, farm workers & stable hands, and maids and other employees for the castle! Come make your claim and grab a bunk at the public communal bunkhouse whose bedding has any hostel in Sinder beat with 100% localized materials!

Builder/Reviewer Notes
Gatehouse I.D. code: #cd21r569gbrk70ss16j0
Thunder Caves is the home of Dracir Obsidian, and is not an official segment of Castle Drakemoor. If you need the portal grotto to be a hidden entrance until they are approved, it is not an issue and can be arranged.


Geezies it’s a huge area.

  1. Any and all sexual activities regarding minors and other underage folks are STRICTLY PROHIBITED on Castle Drakemoor property, and will result in immediate exile from the premises. Go rot in the hells that you crawled out of!

I’m not sure why I see this more often lately; I was pretty sure that sex kinks were opt-in; not opt-out?

The barn’s kinky, huh! It just needs to get the writing cleaned up a bit; the tenses are a bit too varied (feel free to poke me if you need concrete examples and/or ideas on how to re-write it cleaner).

Love the special drinks in the tavern.

The Temple of the Divines’s headers kinda break the interface layout a bit. I know it’s more on the boss wolf but prectically I think it needs to be rewritten (maybe just use bold instead of collapsible headers for now)?

Swiftclaw Bunkhouse needs to be dark & quiet. It’d also help if you mentioned it’s a registrable home and teleport and used the ⛋ sign in the title.

A bit confusing to see the copy-pasted descriptions in the private desidences. Surely private dwellings would have been decorated differently?

Style-wise I have a bit of an issue with some room descriptions using the past tense – it doesn’t really make sense to read how something ‘was’ when you literally stare at it.

There’s also a bunch of typos here and there, I think the whole layout would benefit being run through a spellchecker.

Finally, I was able to get to the dark forest using the public exits only. I don’t think that connection should exist in the way it does now.

Oh derp. Disregard the dark forest bit. Yeahs; that should be a hidden exit then.

A few points here:
1: Area rules…

@MarvokTheDragon : I’m afraid you have some sections of your writing that absolutely need revision because they are currently an affront to the core tenets of the site.

Be clear, be respectful, be nice.

Regardless of your personal views and stances toward the kink interest of other users on this site, the administration does expect the users to be capable of being respectful and civil toward one another and their interests, even while stating that one theme or another isn’t permitted in the area.

Please make the appropriate revisions to correct the tone of your rule language toward something that falls in line with the site’s expectations on respect, clarity and civility.

Give us a heads up when you’ve sorted that out and we’ll continue build review afterward.

2: This is a very large build.

Theme: Reclaimed Retro Rural

This area was once forgotten, debris from another time will likely be common and otherwise low-tech, retro, low-magic, rural energy is what we’re looking for in builds here. Quiet living and smaller businesses. If you’re doing something high tech, it’ll be with an unassuming facade or it may end up displaced from this region.

As the area info of Riverside implies, we’re looking to keep a rural/quiet energy in the riverside area rooms close by to Sinder - as you can imagine, a large castle is probably not quiet or rural.

However, if you’d like to flesh out a couple more larger-sized rolling hills travel rooms (for the staff to take over as infrastructure to the eastern hills areas) for expediting placing this somewhere further away from Sinder into the eastern hills, that might work out as a suitable solution for placement since it will make sure that Sinder doesn’t inadvertently end up being dwarfed by your build immediately next door.

We’ll also be looking to keep Riverside sub-areas roughly similar in rules/themes to the parent area - so depending on what you’re looking to do at the kingdom build, being a sub-area to Riverside may be an inappropriate placement in the first place since its designed as a spot for quiet semi-public homes and businesses as roleplay destinations.

Other options include more developed areas such as the mountains (you’ll have to inquire with those area owners) or instead setting up a region for your castle to exist which we can connect a transportation method or two to should you be interested in simply running your own show instead of attaching to the areas immediately neighboring Sinder.

3. Unapproved builds by other users.

Lastly, regardless of any placement option you decide on, any build we review and approve doesn’t necessarily approve other public links to unapproved builds - they’ll need to go through the approval process as well if they intend to be linked in a public way.

Exits to Thunder Caves will need to be made hidden if they’re not intending to submit for review and public link approval as well. However once you’re settled in somewhere, if you’re fine with them running a sub-area with agreeable rules then we can move forward with any build review that user requests of us as an official sub-area of your area (so long as they can follow whatever rules are agreeable to your area.)

Ultimately, this wall of text is a pretty easy fix, but all this needs to be said at least once given the requested location and the current tone of some of the info on display in the build up for review.

Hope to hear back soon and we’ll continue rolling the ball forward.

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Truth be told, Castle, Castle Town, Castle Farmlands. You’re like 2-4 wilderness rooms away from having your own private kingdom already. Might be a stronger option for deciding your own area rules if that’s something you’d prefer to pursue.

update: At that point, it’d mostly just be a matter of deciding how you want people to arrive at your lands so we can add the appropriate exits to one of the transportation options.

Responses to the main bullet points as they are addressed…

  • The rule is there because I don’t want pedos diddling kids on my property, period, and the people who are already residents of Drakemoor feel the same way and they can keep that creepy shit in the woods. A few folks I’ve talked to have been getting really concerned with how many have been popping up as of recent and Drakemoor will be a haven from it, not for it, I can remove the last bit of hostile wording but that won’t change the intolerance for it regardless.

  • Not sure what you mean about the barn interactions in regards to readability, since it was including the person interacting with the machine, the processes of said machine, as well as the crew of several kobolds manning the machine. I read them all back and they still read just fine to me.

  • Temple of the Divine headers are there since I’m currently writing the descriptions and renaming some of the realms of the gods, and as I fix/finish them I just want to be able to plop them in because they are several paragraphs long, so the drop-down things will definitely be necessary to keep things clean and accessible.

  • The purpose of the bunkhouse not being dark & quiet was intentional, as it is supposed to promote a more neighborly atmosphere where new residents to the castle/town are able to interact with eachother and chat about their day as well as see who they’re all living with. This can also lead to some characters potentially rooming together and forming further bonds rather than the dark and soulless void that the Sinder Hostel presents. It makes sense for the Sinder Hostel because it’s where all the hobo characters get swept to in order to keep the town clean, but if you made it all the way out to Drakemoor and go to the bunkhouse, odds are you’re not a mere hobo character and want a home. As far as the symbol goes I’m not sure what that is and do I simply copy & paste it?

  • The copy & pasted rooms were made before I had a better understanding of the area system where I can still have a room attached to the castle. They were a means to quickly give Marvok’s new mates a room and personalize it through the second paragraph. Now that I’m more well-versed in the system, I’ll be able to hand the keys of their room to the owner and they can do as they wish.

  • My default rp style is 3rd person, past-tense so it’s possible it bled into some of the rooms. If you could provide a list of the rooms that have this issue that would be appreciated. as far as the typos go, I had no indications of typos as I made each room/description and a list of those would also be appreciated.

  • The portal grove entrance to Thunder Caves has been hidden until it is officially approved.

  • I originally chose the Riverside area because there really isn’t anything there and always seems to be a desolate region void of players and would bring new traffic to the area and give it more life. Plus Drakemoor would benefit flavor-text wise from having a waterway access point for boats and aquatic characters to reach the city. Another reason for choosing this area was because it houses woodlands as well as wide areas for the farms to be laid. Plus I want Drakemoor to be more easily reached than Azure Lake because getting there felt like a maze that I got out of sheer luck rather than following the road.

I think that’s everything addressed? Did I miss anything?

I’ll be perfectly clear - the hostility is intolerable (and completely unnecessary communication-wise) as per the main rules of the site.

If you can communicate in a composed, considerate, civil way while telling people no ahead of time in your rules - then cool. If not, then that introduces a real problem.

Telling people to rot in hell or reflexively calling them something derogatory because you don’t approve of their choice of fictional roleplay content despite the site rules being tolerant of those themes - pretty obvious problematic behavior, so please consider changing how you approach situations like that moving forward if you’re intending to moderate a public zone on this service.



  • Rule wording has been changed, but will be enforced by asking those involved to leave the area. I’ll be professional in my presentation but I wish to make it abundantly clear that that behavior is not tolerated within Drakemoor’s walls and is one of the area rules, and most residents have already expressed the same including friends in the Thunder Caves.

  • I’m not seeing the issues with the barn readings that Shinyuu spoke about as well as the “multiple typos” in the area as all of it is running fine through the spell check. Would appreciate a proper list of the misspellings or at least the rooms they are located.

  • Thunder Caves entrance is now hidden with “portal” as the pass phrase until Drakemoor can be approved and added to the world.

  • “⛋” symbol has been added to the bunkhouse & central plaza as they are the public teleport points.

  • As stated previously I am currently editing/adapting the lore of the gods/goddesses of my world and will add them to the Temple upon completions.

If there’s anything I missed please let me know, and I would greatly appreciate that list of rooms and such that have these “typos”.

There’s really no need to be snarky.

Pool Hall

A large and luxurious pool is in the center of the room as it is easily large and deep enough to house several dragons at once.

This reads like a sentence fragment: ‘it’s large because it is large.’

Bold Phoenix Tavern

A bustling tavern as various kobold patrons cheer and drink together along with a few servants of different races as well.

You use ‘as’ often. This is another sentence that’s a fragment. It’s basically summed to ‘A bustling tavern’ and is missing a verb.

Music fills the halls as a kobold band plays various instruments

A legit use of ‘as’ but again, it’s the same sentence structure in literally the same paragraph.

Swiftclaw Town Square

A modest plaza lies before you as red banners of Marvok’s coat of arms billow from the sides of the outer walls.

So; ‘as’ can be used as a connection of a result to a cause; more often as one event happens during another. You can’t quite connect a literal event (banners billow) with a figurative (plaza lies), though.

Gilded Dragon’s Embrace Clinic

The beds are soft and very clean while each having a small table that had a small lamp for reading.

You switch the tense here.

There were large motifs of the Goddess of Life; Vitalia, whom is depicted as a golden dragoness.

And keep on in a passive tense.

Operating Room

A steril room with a large expandable operating table lies in the middle of the room and is bolted to the floor.

Sterile. But also, this sentense again makes no sense, look what happens if you remove the table: ‘a sterile room lies in the middle of the room’.

There are lights and other fixtures throughout the room as shelves and cabinets of assorted medical supplies and tools can be found inside

This is another sentence were ‘as’ is used to join two parts that don’t belong to each other. Replace this ‘as’ with a semicolon or a period and then it works!

Temple of the Divines

The gilded halls of the temple ring as worshippers hum various hymns dedicated to their patron deities as there appeared to be sermons held as kobolds were wearing different pendants signifying which deity they worshipped as their patron while still praising the others equally.

Gee. Take a breather! Don’t force those sentences together, they don’t belong! The second ‘as’ is illegit, as is the third.

Residential Square

The streets of this district is also home to the Communal Bunkhouse that welcomes new residents and visitors alike as the streets and gardens are kept nice and clean by the hardworking Clan Swiftclaw.

The streets are. And what you imply in here with this ‘as’ is that the Communal Bunkhouse is here because of the kobolds cleaning stuffs. And that doesn’t make much sense.

Same room: the notice should be in the ((ooc syntax))

⛋ Drakemoor Central Plaza

A large plaza stands before you after stepping off the teleportation rune on a large stone platform as a large fountain of a dragon spews water from its maw into the rest of the fountain as well while smaller water trails from the lower section.

Again, you conjoin literal and figural speech.

While some wave their greetings and wish you a good day.

You remove that ‘while’ and suddenly it’s a proper sentence.

Drakemoor Fields

There is also a barn down the path as a few kobolds are working in the field and working alongside some primal dogs to help heard the various animals.

I think I got my point on the ‘as’ across? There’s a barn. There are kobolds working. They are two sentences.

The Barn

The barn is very spacious as it seems that it can fit a full-sized dragon or two inside as piles of hay are off to the side as well as crates and barrels of other farming supplies are present as well in another section.

See how it reads if you don’t try to join it all up:

The barn is very spacious; it seems that it can fit a full-sized dragon or two inside. Piles of hay rest against the far wall, their smell reminiscent of the fall. A stack of crates with painted labels rests across, surrounded by barrels; something oily seeps into the ground around them. A selection of farming equipment glistens in the corner.

The machine begins to chug away as milk could be seen being extracted and ran through the clear tubing as it was linked to milk canisters as they began to fill while the kobolds were on standby to change out filled canisters if needed.

It’s a mix of passive and active voice, present and past tense (same with the other barn activities). Clearly something like ‘The machine begins to chug away, extracting the milk’ would work same good?

Anyways, I think I got my point across. I know it’s your writing style and I accept it as such but it makes things incredibly hard to comprehend. Just go over your text, make sure you cleaned up the past tense where you see it (it doesn’t belong in the room descriptions, it absolutely doesn’t belong in actions); try to get rid of all those ‘as’ conjunctions, and you’ll be grand.

Huge appreciation for the list, I was not trying to come across as snarky as I genuinely couldn’t find them and was getting puzzled by the mention. Looking at these they appear to be more grammar edits than misspellings as I look at them so I was looking for misspellings this whole time.

Also wanted to quickly comment on this so you understand the expectations: I review all of the submitted build and every single exit. It’s just that I have lower standards for exits that are hidden (but still, there are standards for some rooms that I expect will be semi-public). Thus, I will review such rooms that you handed ownership to as if they were yours. If you give up the ownership of the subarea to someone else they either need to be imcluded as part of the review in this thread or the exits must be hidden so I won’t consider them part of the public build.

Feel free to include those rooms in the review for now the only room that is not in my ownership anymore is Jyavi’s room and I trust her to have the room up to code with it. If any rooms don’t meet the requirements for whatever reason, I’ll hide the room until they update it. Was there anything else that needed to be addressed?

I’d like the place to be at least open so that my residents can start bringing people organically through the world. I would be happy with any place that is along a major road and can have water access to the river for aquatic characters since it would seem that Drakemoor has become somewhat of a kingdom itself.

Are there any major issues preventing it from being added to the world or is Drakemoor ready to go other than these small tweaks?

There’s at least the temple that needs its descriptions fixed, too? I wouldn’t say that the list of tweaks is small, though, there’s a bunch of writing to clean up and nudge into shape.

Finished, all tense changes and errors that present an issue to the narrative of the rooms are fixed.

Location-wise I would be happy with a north-bound trail added to the Eastside Trail could work as I want to help give people a reason to go along the East road over the Sinder bridge as there is currently ZERO reason to go there with nothing to do. Hell two of the areas to the east of that road are literal empty fields of nothing.

As the developer of Riverside and the literal fields of nothing (intentionally developed that way to create a sense of distance) - the point of the area is rural inconspicuous low-tech/magic living outside of the local town. I’m intentionally creating a rural space which also has area rules similar to Sinder, which also includes limitations on extreme themes in public spaces.

Largely, Riverside will be a transition area without any large-scale loud builds used to reach other areas passed it.

Your build is a literal castle with connecting town and farms. It’s too large to be placed directly next to Sinder.

My answer to placing this build specifically on Eastside Trail is No. That room is far too close to cram your build into map-wise since your build is realistically larger than Sinder is. The area directly north of there is Rolling Hills, an area already slated for a small cluster of homes near the riverbend.

I see the solution to this matter being this build being placed a couple/few very large rooms further east of the river, where you can run your own show as an area that does not have Riverside assigned as a parent.

Ultimately, this will result in a trail of some sort, but not something which is immediately part of your owned area/build but instead travels through terrain and also leads toward where your build would be connected on the east-most edge of the Wolfery map.

Right, that was what I was getting at, I just want to be able to help get a little traffic going along your roads like there would be in the countryside. Not enough to be like a city, but give folks more reason to help explore the area. Perhaps the rooms could be a continuation of the road with the second room being a large bridge over the river as is bends towards the north?

I’m getting to work helping provide some more visual data with a temp-map for riverside at least to give a better sense of where existing rooms are more or less.

You’d be surprised how often people do actually roam out east, but the current state of things is that there are no small residences out there as of yet since it is actually pretty new development-wise. I didn’t really have any goalpost while developing this other than having identified that Sinder was getting crowded with requests for small businesses and we really shouldn’t be shoe-horning everything under the sun directly on top of the small town otherwise its going to be an infrastructure nightmare.

Since Riverside/Hills area is currently slated to be a traversal area, having an area passed it is totally expected use of Riverside. That’s why the floating scavenger-paradise rift anomaly is out off the east side of the map somewhere.

My current thought is to place your build somewhere along the SE foothill meadows.

Being off the existing early map, you could literally go any direction with your own area map including forests/rivers/hills/caves or whatever else you’re looking to do with your area.

I’ll likely be adding two rooms off of eastside trail with the likely connection point circled in yellow.

Near the riverbend will be small navigable path across the river that allows access to the westside trail outside the chateau north of Sinder. Last I checked, unless something changed, there are plans for a waterfall basin a small bit further up the westside trail and probably a couple more builds in the hills themselves. Any further north though and the domain is the wilderness and builds would need to go through that area’s owner.

That would fit very well! I mainly just want to have Drakemoor be easily accessible from Sinder without needing to go through a bunch of bends and twists.

If that means that I’m getting my own region, I would be more than happy to pioneer the great lands that shall become my new kingdom. If it isn’t too much to ask, if I become the owner of this region, would it be possible for me to acquire the perks of a “pioneer” for more character slots so that I can help bring this new region to life?

I’ve made a couple wilderness sections and have added one heading westward to a mountainous region where Thunder Caves can possibly go to if Dracir wants to, and an eastern-bearing path that heads into another woodland area.

Also I was wondering about my request in the last post whether or not I could possibly get the “pioneer” perks for founding/building a whole new region so I can use some additional characters to bring new life and opportunities to the area? Would appreciate any answer regarding that.

This would be the road entrance to the new region of “Scalevania”.
Valley Road room ID: #cdcq96e9gbrgopiukuk0