I have tried several browsers now, Safari, Chrome, Opera, (cough cough, gasp twitch twitch,) Even Microsoft edge, and I get in one thing to say, and poof, I can’t see a thing. I would love to see and interact with this beautiful world!!
I’ll keep trying browsers, and maybe something will work, If anyone knows a solution, let me know!!!
Hi Puddle-of-Sky!
Welcome to Wolfery, and to the forum. Glad you’ve found our little (soon to get bigger) reality.
What a strange problem you have! Seriously, I haven’t seen anything like it.
First of all; I truly doubt it is an issue with the browser. It should be working in all the browser’s you’ve mention (with perhaps the exception of Opera )
Also, I’ve check the logs, but I see nothing out of the ordinary.
In the logs, I see your browser connecting. I see you and I posting message, and I see the message events being sent back to your browser’s connection. It looks perfectly fine. And yet, you don’t see them.
The only thing I can imagine it to be is your Internet Provider somehow. Either they are doing something to the WebSocket traffic, or else… well… I can’t think of anything else.
My suggestion:
In order to verify if it is the Internet Provider, try connecting to Wolfery using a different Internet Provider. Mobile provider perhaps? From work/school/university/library/café? If it isn’t the provider, then I really don’t know…
Hope to see you in Sinder soon (and with everything working!).
Now I need sleep
Best regards,
Hmm, interesting thought regarding providers. And thats a nope, at least for the big 2 over here, Comcast, and Verizion, both are doing the same as before.
I think its something Mac side, as I have now tried 6 browsers in total, each with the same result… I’ll keep playing with it, if you know of anyone else that uses a mac, maybe you could run it past them???
Thanks for trying!
It baffles me, truly.
I know we have Mac users, so while it may be connected to Mac, it must be something more to it.
In any case, it should show up as errors somewhere.
To check for errors, follow these steps:
- Open Chrome
- Open Chrome developer tools (OSX: Option + ⌘ + J, Windows/Linux: F12)
- Go to Wolfery.com and log in
- Wake up a character
- Go to Station Park (or some other place where you can talk, meaning not Sinder Hostel)
- Say a few things (make sure you don’t see your own words in the chat log)
- Check the Console tab of the Developer Tools window to see if you have any errors.
If you see any errors anywhere in the console log, copy/screenshot them and post them here!
Init modules: Objecterrors: nullmodules: {api: h, errorScreen: e, login: e, screen: e}[[Prototype]]: Object
app.js:15 Main modules: Objecterrors: nullmodules: {avatar: e, broadcastHandler: e, charCycle: e, charFocus: e, charPing: e, …}[[Prototype]]: Object
ConsoleEditor.js:93 {code: “look.required”, message: “Who do you want to look at?”} e {step: e, stack: Array(1), ctx: Array(1), params: {…}, state: {…}, …}
(anonymous) @ ConsoleEditor.js:93
Promise.catch (async)
value @ ConsoleEditor.js:91
is @ codemirror.js:7129
(anonymous) @ codemirror.js:7200
qo @ codemirror.js:6774
(anonymous) @ codemirror.js:7142
as @ codemirror.js:7170
ss @ codemirror.js:7166
ls @ codemirror.js:7200
us @ codemirror.js:7219
(anonymous) @ codemirror.js:3939
containsWord.js:12 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /\bPuddle-of-Sky\b/: Invalid escape
at new RegExp ()
at e.value (containsWord.js:12)
at say (CharFocus.js:53)
at e.value (CharLog.js:361)
at EventBus.js:246
value @ containsWord.js:12
say @ CharFocus.js:53
value @ CharLog.js:361
(anonymous) @ EventBus.js:246
setTimeout (async)
value @ EventBus.js:241
value @ EventBus.js:213
_handleEvent @ ResClient.js:572
_receive @ ResClient.js:480
_handleOnmessage @ ResClient.js:780
Hi again!
Oh, it seems your name, containing dashes, is what triggers the bug!
Try changing the name to PuddleOfSky
until I’ve fixed the issue :
set char name = PuddleOfSky
Or perhaps:
set char name = Puddle
set char surname = Of Sky
@PuddleofSky, the bug is fixed!
You now just need to reload the client with Ctrl + F5 (or how you do it on Mac).
Then it should be working!
The issue was caused by the part that tries to detect if someone mentions your name, to notify you of it.
Thanks for helping me find it!