Help:Can two people work on something without transferring to one another

Me and my friend wonder if we can both work on a building together whiteout using one person to

TECHNICALLY yes, but this does add a layer of complication.

If trying to build an exit to a room you don’t own (i.e. your friend owns it) you must send them a request and they must approve it. When creating exits and linking to rooms, the interface will allow you to automatically link to any room you own, but to link to someone else’s, you need to know the ID of the room you’re linking to. (get room id)

In short, yes, it’s doable! However, it might be easier for both of you if one person owns the rooms and you work on the descriptions together.

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Ok thank you soo much that’ll work

It is currently only the owner that may edit a room/area. So you need to work with requests:

help request

I have plans of adding groups ownership, as discussed in this thread:

But we don’t have it yet.


Ohhh ok but that will be a cook feature to have tbh