So this one may be a bit of a backburner feature as it could start to get complicated and messy. But what if a character could share ownership (or building permissions) of a room and/or area with another character.
Obviously for me this would be having Xetem keep ownership of all of the main rooms of the apartment complex while Chippy is allowed to build off of them. And as for the areas, it’d again allow Xetem to keep ownership of the apartment area while Chippy is able to set it as the parent for new apartment areas. or even use an area-wide builder permission where Chippy is tagged as a builder, but specifically for the rooms within the complex’s area.
As for others, I could see friends/couples/future organizations want to give certain rights within areas or certain rooms to others for collaborative building, as it can be fun to work with others to design rooms and areas and it’d be nice not to have to bounce ownership back and forth to do so.
For now under the current system, I still need to figure out what parts of the complex needs to turn over to Chippy and what can stay with Xetem, but it’s an idea I had that I think could make arrangements like this a bit easier.
This matches quite a lot what I had considered as a future solution to this issue: groups
It is still a bit rough around the edges, but the main gist is this:
A group would be a stand alone object.
A group contains a name and a list of characters.
Anyone may create one or more groups, and then owns the group.
Group owners can add and remove characters from the group
Objects (rooms, areas, and groups themselves) will have a “group” property, which may be set to a group. Kind of like a room can be set to an area.
Anyone belonging to the group a will have the right to edit the object (but not to delete or transfer ownership).
Setting the “group” property (e.g. of a room) to someone elses group requires consent through a request, similar to setting a room to someone elses area.
Group for Chippy
So, in the end, you’d have a group, “Prism builders”, with Chippy in it.
The apartment rooms/area(s) would be set to that group.
This would allow Chippy to create exits from/to Prism rooms, without owning Prism. He would also be allowed to create areas and set Prism’s area as parent.
And since Chippy would own the new child area and room which he created, he is also allowed to transfer ownership of them both.
Future ideas
Apart from what I defined above, I can see some future developments for these groups:
use groups for things like exit access or mailing lists.
let groups contain other groups; the list of character would be the union of all characters in the group and any subgroup.
have predefined groups such as moderators, anyone, regulars (if I ever implement some score system, which would help limit what newcomers can do, to avoid abuse).