[Feature] Watchlist Character Swap Notification

A strange character has appeared on your watch list and you’re not sure who it is!

Could a feature be implemented to notify watching players and/or add a “-previously was X” automatically to the character’s notepad or have the changed character send an automated mail saying something fun, like “Hey, this is Saint! I saw you were interested in me, but I’ve since become Character X!”? Perhaps even stacking them until removed by the player being notified.

Something to that extent.

I did a short search with watchlist and character change keywords and couldn’t find much about this!


I’ve thought before that at least saving the original name that the character was watched under would be a good thing. I’d go as far as to say it would be trivial to automate this using the character notes system, same as saving the date that you first started watching the charater. That functionality might be doable as a script extension monkey patch too, which is not really a solution… just a bandaid.

I wouldn’t go the mail route or a notification route, a lot of people do very minor flavor changes to their names and it’d be annoying a lot of people very quickly to get a notification every time Kredden becomes Kerdden for the lulz.

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That is fair, haha. I didn’t consider the minute name changes. xD That would be a lot of mail.

One method I use to figure out who’s who when players are swapping characters around in their profiles is I’ll mouse over their character in the sidebar/watchlist (or in the room’s character list) and click the ‘notes’ function.

I’ll usually write things out like, for example

  • Knows Philip
  • Knows Dave


  • Knows Dave

etc, etc. That way, you’ll know the character, and who that character might know of yours. :shark::thumbsup:


Yes. I have encountered the same issue with unknown characters in my Watch list.

I see two options being mentioned:

  1. Either we store the name with the watch. And you can see their “original” name by hovering/clicking their badge in the Watch list. If you want to update the name, you simply unwatch and rewatch.
  2. Or we rely on notes for it. Maybe even automate it somehow?

For me, it feels like 1 is the correct one, right?

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Definitely. One seems like the best idear.
As @Kelmi mentioned automating the note process would probably lead to a lot of unnecessary updates until a character was unwatched.

Aaaaaand since I have you here, @Accipiter I’ll ask a quick question!
Would it be feasible/has anyone asked about highlighting posts that contain the name of characters you have in FOCUS?

Like, I focus Accipiter, but don’t have Kelmi focused. Kelmi says “Hello, Accipiter.” and Kelmi’s post highlights as if the post had mentioned my character’s name to draw the eye. If that makes sense.