[Feature] re-ordering exits (SOLVED)

Exits appear in the list in the order they are created. It would be nice to have a way to re-order them, particularly for areas other players will build off of.

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Yes! Yes, I agree.

I will make it happen!
But how? The easiest way would be a simple Sort order (or maybe Sort position?) number that you can enter when editing an exit:


Setting a sort order would insert that exit at that position in the list.

And of course, the same with the set exit command:

set exit out : order = 1

More fancy things like drag-and-drop may be a later addition.
How does that sound?

Best regards,


That would work. What would also work would be displaying its place in the list with up/down arrows to move it.

Really, as long as it’s not too bizarrely opaque, it’ll be fine.

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This looks pretty ideal.

Solved in Release v1.8.0 - Improved exits and help

You do realize Windchaser has now found the back door into the kiosk. The snacks are NOT safe.

… oh… my… This will not end up good!