Something I often run into is the trouble that I cannot filter out characters with certain negative tags, as they are ambiguous with simply not having that tag. I also cannot filter out characters who are Idle, or who are Away; although the color of their name is helpful, it can sometimes double the length of the search result, cluttered with people who may or may not even be at their computer.
I think it is incredibly important to be able to filter out people who have declared a hard pass for certain things; this is a strong contraindication for compatibility between roleplayers. Stronger, I would argue, than having certain tags in common.
Filtering characters based on activity status is just handy. I could live without it, but it’d be nice.
I think this one would be very useful and probably quite simple, I think it would be ideal to just type active into the search and all the away/idle people get filtered out. The same should probably go for idle, away and bot even though there’s very little reason to be searching those.
I think this is very important too - it’s quite common to search for somebody with the same interests as me and find they’re not interested in my gender which would make them a very incompatible roleplay partner.
It makes sense to be able to filter everything out, not just their no tags.
This is the best syntax I could come up with to make this work and retain full functionality, somebody can probably come up with better.
female - How the search currently works: searching “female” matches the gender, tags, character name, etc. so false positives are likely. Would primarily result in female characters though.
-female - The same as above, but the results are negated. Results will now show male, gynomorph, andromorph, etc. characters but filter out anything containing female.
!females - Results for people who have females in their no list. I’m not sure why you’d want this, but wait a minute…
-!females - Filters out the people who have females in their no list. Now you don’t have to bother scrolling through people that aren’t interested in you.
Now all we need is the ability to search multiple tags at once and we can start constructing very useful queries.
male fellatio - Males that have fellatio as an interest.
-male males -!fellatio - Non-male characters, interested in males, that haven’t explicitly said no to being interested in fellatio.
Alternatively, -male males fellatio for the same except they’ve explicitly said they do like fellatio - instead of just assuming that the omission from their profile means that they may be interested. This way would guarantee more compatibility - but risk missing out on people with incomplete interest lists.
If we get even crazier and throw in an OR modifier…
~female ~gynomorph males -!felines - Characters that are female or gynomorph, interested in males. Must not be explicitly against felines.
female ~cat ~feline ~housecat ~felid - Make sure you don’t miss any cats by searching common synonyms at the same time.
This is a purely client-side feature, so it will be surprisingly simple to implement.
This is spot on, and fully aligned with my thoughts when I read the initial post.
Except for one thing…
The - (minus) character would be ideal for “not” if it wasn’t for the fact that we may have - in names. Meaning, searching for -P1 will currently match our dear Chippy bot, C1-P1 The Synth. Also, how to match or filter out anyone with the surname ---?
This is the reason why I used ! instead when I created the feature.
So my suggestion is the less readable, but more predictable.
Not: Exclude if a match if sound
Dislike: Include if a dislike tag match is found
Not dislike: Exclude if a dislike tag match is found
Or do we want ~ instead of ^ for “Dislike”?
Or modifier
We already have that using / (slash) or | (pipe) . Try: