There’s been this “Fancy Newsstand” bot account lurking in the park for several weeks now. It doesn’t appear to have any RP function and no one ever has any interaction with it, so I can only assume it’s being used to monitor the park.
It doesn’t appear to have any RP function
You did notice the newspaper selection is always different, right?..
I did. I was wondering the same thing. It’s kind of annoying having it clutter up the list of people in the room, frankly.
It doesn’t appear to DO anything or be interactable. It just sits there with a URL in its desc to be clicked on. Could it perhaps be replaced by a ‘Newsstand’ clickable in the room description?
+1ing this:
I’m not sure why it’s a bot when there is no interactivity associated with it, unlike the other bots that exist in the realm.
It’s there as a periodic object because it only appears for five days after each newspaper’s new edition coming out. We have two newspapers, thus the newsstand is in the park for ten days at most.
I feel the room description for the park is already significantly overloaded with stuffs to the point where adding temporary events to it will go unnoticed.
I was experimenting with in-game objects for a while – I have about a dozen more of those scattered around the rift as bits of various puzzles. To me it seems they make the world less “empty” outside of the immediate Sinder Area.
It’s a bot specifically so that there’s no active character account; this way I am not inadvertently spying on everyone in the park. When I ran this concept through the mod team I was advised that making the thingy blue is a good enough option to explain why it sits there and doesn’t talk back (because otherwise object characters are banned specifically because people used them to spy on the various places).
It would be nice if, as a bot, it can link me the current paper release, and the 2 before that one. So, in case I missed a specific edition, I can look back there and not necessarily on the forum. So, it is an object, and works as a bot so people seem less concerned about it doing nothing?
edit: maybe using a command like we did for getting coins by Lucky Fluff?
There’s a semi-recent addition to the Sinder Library that has the archive of all the Chronicle/La Faille publications, actually!
Oh, I see your point. Honestly, I don’t think the newsstand should be a permanent thingy in the park, it’s in there only to boost the exposure. Few people know about the Chronicle, and even less know about La Faille and that’s why I try to promote both, somewhat, in the short windows after the new pages come out.
I honestly don’t know what’d be a good interactive way to get the newspaper from a bot. I think having a salesman bot that’d provide stuffs like Bea in the library would be the most reasonable thingy, but then it’s already sounds a bit too complicated for what I was trying to achieve.
Oh, I didn’t know that! But there are many things I’ve missed since I don’t roam much in Sinder anymore. I live under a rock, that rock is called Nox.
This is a cute idea to be fair. It gives ic immersion since your character asks for a newspaper, and it makes sense ooc too.
The problem would be how to sponsor the bot itself and receive notifications or anything to know that a new number came out. (Like an in-character subscription😄)
I like the idea of both newspapers, it gives users the chance to write something (like I did for Arianne’s letters) and makes the world actually feel alive, with characters that live in the world itself.
But I understand the “complicated” part…
Being the other newspaper publisher within Wolfery, I felt I should probably add my thoughts into this topic.
The Sinder Chronicle has always been put into a newsstand since it originally came out. The only difference between the Newsstand in the Park and the original newsstand is that one acts as a bot, the other a room. With how structured a newsstand is, I personally believe one shouldn’t be a bot. Much like the criticisms above, it doesn’t do much other than hold a link for a temporary amount of time, which a room can just as easily do.
I am also quite interested in this idea! I feel this would be the best route to take, even if it might take a bit of work to make. (Though I’m sure, if possible, one could take Bea’s script and retexture it to work for the purpose of giving newspapers instead of books.)
I could see it being flavored like a lil’ robot handing out papers to people who ask! Or in the same flavor as the Lucky Fluff statue, maybe a statue that dispenses papers. You could also have them give brief explanations for each kind of newspaper if asked?
This idea is also quite good for making sure someone’s up to date with the paper releases, specifically the notification part. I could see someone hitting a “subscribe” button on the bot for their favorite paper(s) and getting mail when the next release occurs.
There are a few qualms I can think of with letting a bot send mail but I think that’s a discussion for another topic. Even if that idea doesn’t get implemented into a bot, I might just see about doing it manually…
Maybe to send a mail for just that character that decided to “subscribe.” In that case it would work fine to make the mail thing just less crowded.
But I think that this is going off-topic…
What about delivery bots? I was thinking of giving in-game food delivery a shot.
Don’t forget to smash that like button and slam that subscribe button!