Unlike most of the posts in this topic, I do not have a room of area to show case, but I am proposing a directory, an ooc room that lists the areas, the kinks and rules of each area, and how to get there from said directory, I would like to get the other Builders, both the ones with the tag and the ones that have built areas, opinion on this, I just think it would help people with getting around, and help them to fide like minded individuals to interact with.
I agree with this idea wholeheartedly.
When I joined Wolfery I had a hard time finding other cubs, or rooms where underage RP was welcome. I did a lot of wandering and mostly found zones with lots of rules against cubs, but it took me a long time to find areas where we were welcome. And those areas tend to be empty a lot of the time.
I see like 5-10 young characters online any given time of the day, but the public RP rooms for cubs are always empty, and I suspect it’s because most people don’t know about them.
Tapestries had directories that made it a lot easier to know which major zones were designed for what kinks and how to get there. That’s especially important for more contentious things like cubs where most zones don’t want us around, so it can be easy to give up if we can’t quickly find places that DO want us.
I think it’s a great idea! Maybe directions to some of the locations listed too.
I was hoping to do that.
I think it’s a good idea since this should help people with finding others they want to be around instead of wandering into every place trying to find them.
My question is where the heck do we put it?
I was thinking in the station, not the station park, like right near when new people would be coming out of, and to be clear, the room would serve no rp purpose, it would only lead people to places where they can rp.
On a side note, a directory might get people to branch out from the station park, if they know the rules and themes of the other places, and how to easily get to them.
Isn’t this what the map button does? Some indication how to get places might be nice in the area blurbs.
Sadly not everyone uses the map, and not everyone puts a detailed list of directions on how to get to the area, nor can they, if they wish to tell you anything about it, that is for the area’s a bit farther out then the town of Sinder and the forest, some places are complicated to get to.
Maybe adding in these additional features in the map could serve as a good directory.
Personally, I think something like this might be better suited as an online document or spreadsheet. Perhaps the room’s special rules (such as unusually allowed themes, like extreme, ageplay, combat, etc) could be tags that you could click on to highlight what areas allow such roleplay.
That was the idea, the room would just be the link to said document.
I think there’s still a good way to make it work IC before we have to resort to the spreadsheets. I’m open for any donations of maps, directions, and area theme guides done towards the curious canine cartography.
I kinda like exploring just for the sake of it~ when I want to see what people are up to, the area interface helps a lot, but I see how the descriptions in it can be very limited when the long rules and descriptions are way more helpful to explain what the area caters to!
Why not a forum category dedicated for directory posts of top-level areas, explaining what they are and what people should seek on each, also how to contribute with new rooms, just like the notice board but more strict? Its kind of organized in here, and easy to browse!
Otherwise, thinking about something that could fit in the interface, why not let people assign 2-3 tags in the short description, just like the about in profiles, but oriented to themes instead?
Not everyone uses the Forum, so many would not be able to use it.