[Bug] Puppet revealing chat log [Solved]

I was in a room with my main character then left for a hookup, but I logged into a puppet that I own in the same room a few minutes later, and I could see all the public chat in the room since after I had left with my main, and before I logged on with the puppet.

Also, the puppet could see all of my main character’s chat history since I logged in that session for that room.

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Thanks for the report! I will try to replicate this rather strange bug.
Waking up a puppet should only allow you to see events that came while you controlled the puppet. Any other event should not be accessible.

I exported the log of it, if that would be helpful. Just let me know.

The log I would need might be the raw one stored in your browser’s IndexedDB.
But I will give you a snippet of Javascript code to run to extract it! :slight_smile: (once I get to it)

Just gonna chime in here. This isn’t just puppets. I just woke up and got bombarded with logs from when I simply wasn’t online.


Xetem is correct!!!

On the second of October, I had the same thing happen to me though on a much, much smaller scale. I had my character, Ellianna, fall asleep using the custom sleep command at The Silver Soul in Linseria. Either auto-sweep got her or someone swept her because she was back home when I logged on. Apparently, when she was asleep, someone came in and left her room while she was sleeping which isn’t all too weird but y’know, weird to see when you’re asleep. Below is a screenshot of it happening with names cropped out to protect privacy (IDK if they want to be shown so better safe than sorry)

I’ve tried to replicate it but it seems I’ve been unable to.

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You don’t have to be connected to get logs.
But your character must be controlled. Meaning, they must be seen as awake.

If they are asleep/not controlled, and yet you can get these logs?! Then it is quite serious; something I have to deal with ASAP!

Yes, My character was completely asleep.

Thanks for trying to replicate it, @LuckyElli ! I tend to fail as well.

If you ever bump into this again, try to recall what lead up to it, with details such as:

  • did you have alts awake
  • did you put them to sleep by command/clicking the sleep button/auto-sleep due to mobile browser stopping background processes
  • state changing actions performed before sleeping (eg. go/teleport, set away, getting suspended, changing profile)
  • in proximity to a recent server update

Of course, you don’t have to answer exactly those, but just to give you an idea of what might help me pinpoint he issue.

I have been able to replicate it many times over! It took a bit of work to try and figure out exactly how it happened but I figured it out just as I logged in.

If you get swept away manually and someone enters the room you are asleep in(your registered home room), you see everything they do. Here are the things I’ve found that cause it and what seems to affect it. (I have not tested if auto sweep does anything. Will do later.)

  • You cannot have an alt awake for it to occur. All your characters must be asleep.
  • It does not matter who owns the room you have registered as your home. I tested it with a room I own being the registered home and another room I do not own.
  • How you put your character to sleep, whether by pressing the sleep button or by using the command doesn’t matter.
  • What you do before sleeping does not seem to matter. Leading, following, teleporting, and changing profiles did not seem to make a difference.
  • I tested this between 5:30-6:00pm Cst/Gmt -5 on October 17th.
  • I used chrome’s web browser on a Chromebook. I did not test any other browsers or devices.
  • It worked 100% of the time when I closed the Wolfery tab completely before being swept. It occurred 1/3 times when I simply fell asleep and did not close the tab.

If you have any more questions on factors, let me know! If you need me to test any more, also let me know! :smiley:

I will say, when it happened to me, I was on Firefox on Windows 10, and I did have another character open, but only through a bot session on another device, not a normal client session. I have not tried to replicate it yet.

A little further testing reveals that the browser doesn’t seem to matter as I had replicated it consistently on Firefox, Opera GX, and Microsoft Edge while using Windows 10.

I’ve repeatedly done the following steps on the test server:

  1. Filled my home cabin with talkative bots using separate accounts.
  2. Logged in with main (Accipiter).
  3. Gone to Sinder Town Center (edited auto-sweep to 30 seconds instead of 5 min)
  4. Put my character to sleep
  5. Closed tab
  6. Waiting > 30 seconds.
  7. Opened a new tab and woken up Accipiter who is back with the talkative bots in the cabin.
  8. … but no additional logs available.

I will try it out with an account without elevated privileges, in case it is my admin-hood that is causing me not to be able to replicate it.


Ignore the above statement. I just made it work! Now I see a lot of text I am NOT suppose to see!


Thanks @LuckyElli for your excellent steps helping me reproduce it!

I’ve made an anonymous patch release today fixing this bug. So, hopefully we won’t see any of these issues again.

The bug was that moving a character always caused it to start subscribing to room events, even if the character was sleeping. And while players cannot receive those events without controlling the character, the log service still picked them up and sent them back to the client when you reconnected.

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