Weird, strange bug. I can’t scrollback more than maybe 3 or 4 screens of text on Xetem (and at least one other character, but not all of them). It doesn’t look live I’ve reached the top of my chat history (there’s no ‘wakeup header’), and this is in the browser that should have all of my logs. Chippy (and at least one other character) lets me scrollback all the way to the beginning of the character (from what I can tell, can on one, that’s too much log for Chippy though).
It happens to me at times, i have no idea as to what could be the issue.
For reference, the top of what’ll load in my logs seems to be in the middle of a conversation just about every time. Maybe if we just had a way to download everything that would at least mitigate the downsides of the issue until it can be triaged.
I think at this point it happening to all characters.
@Accipiter is there a way to download all the logs instead of just from the point clicked on? That would satisfy me while it’s not working
A poor-man’s dump can be done via the web inspector:
events = []; await app.getModule('charLogStore').getEvents('YOUR_CHAR_ID', 0, (e) => { events.push(e); return true; }); JSON.stringify(events)
@farcaller’s suggestion works fine for raw data dumps.
If you wish to use the Export Log function to get it as a nicely formatted HTML, you can do:
app.getModule('player').getActiveChar(), // Export for your active character
new Date('2020-01-01') // Select the date from when you want to export
(Just wake up your character to make it your active one.)
That is the exact type of thing that I knew was probably already possible but didn’t know where to look in the source to find it.
Thank you, that worked perfectly.
Bumping this one.
I ran into the issue myself. Not sure if it is caused by the same bug, but I got the console error:
I’ll try to see what I can do to fix it.
Probably solved in Release v1.40.2 - Mobile layout
Yep, working at least a lot farther back than before. I’m not gonna check for all of it (that’s just too much ) but it seems to keep loading more and more again.