From a nitpickery perspective, it drives me mildly quirky that the ‘Awake’ list and the ‘In Room’ list are sorted in exactly opposite orders (newcomers on the latter list show up at the top, whereas new entrants on the Awake list go to the bottom). Mildly more annoyingly, the ‘new content’ on the Awake list and the content of my watchfor list are on exactly opposite sides of the Awake list, so if I’m curioujs as to whether folks I’m watching for are online and who’s recently logged in, I have to bounce to opposite sides of the list. I would very personally love it if the Awake list were also sorted with new folks at the top; anyone else?
Wait, the awake list isn’t sorted alphabetically?.. squints.
I must say it always made me slightly confused but I’d agree that the sorting makes sense to have the new people on top – myself I keep that part always scrolled up because the follow list is generally way more useful.
This makes a lot of sense to me, I always have it scrolled to the top to see if anybody I’m following comes online, but it means that everybody else I’m seeing on the list is pretty much just the bots and people who have been idle for hours.
I totally agree. It should be sorted with most recent first.
The reason why it is sorted as it is, is because I was initially considering how disruptive the list would end up being if we had 1000+ characters with sleeps/wakeups happening every other second, causing the list to frequently shift and change and therefore becoming a distraction.
But if that becomes an issue, it is probably better to just uncheck “Show all”.
I will add this in the next release!
Implemented in Release v1.40.2 - Mobile layout