Ageplay Age Restrictions

Hey! Kinda a bit of a controversial/hot topic, but I have a bit of an unsettling issue when it comes to ageplay. Now, I am not kink shaming, nor am I shaming those that play underage characters. I play one myself, but I prefer to keep it secret to remain anonymous. However, I do not condone of such actions in real life as it is completely immoral and flat out illegal in most conditions.

For a while now, ageplay when it comes to characters has no rules in regards to how young some characters are. Nothing wrong with that when it comes general rp and some other stuff. What the issue is for me, is how these characters are portrayed in sexual settings. Now… I am not pointing anyone out, but characters that are really young like 10 or younger is really unsettling, even for me when it comes to sexual activities. Especially in birthday clothing. Like I said, not trying to kink shame anyone, but there should be some limits.

Now… as for a limit in regards to age, I feel like 15 should be the minimal number when it comes to characters wanting to encage in sexual activies. Reason I say this is, biologically is when most teens are curious about sexual activies and its that time where they are taught standard Sex ED in most US states.

However, when it comes to characters in general, doing regular rps and not anything sexual, age can be anything. Especially when it comes to kids bonding with their parent, playing with other kids, or just having fun in general.

Now, this can be probably be with exempted when it comes to rules and areas that allow or focus that stuff in particular, like Day Cares for example.

This is just my thoughts. Something that can probably be something that people can agree on or not. To repeat myself, I am not here to kink shame or call anyone out. This is just from what I have seen and will gladly take any criticism.

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In my experience, area/zone rules tend to define the minimum age, if below 18 - otherwise it is viewed as ‘extreme’ content which is either not allowed at all, or only in private rooms.

This gives you a way to control your experience, without impacting others; if you don’t want to play that way, you don’t go there.

Generally the more activity that is allowed, the more specific the guidance becomes. For example:

Lamplight is, first and foremost, a safe place for exploring everything related to cubs. Flirtation and sexual activities are permitted between characters of any age, in all areas of this zone.

Extreme Kinks should not be performed in rooms not marked for them.

Please do not enter Lamplight or engage with users here if you do not agree to see this kind of content. All sub-areas contained within Lamplight must allowed underaged characters.

Similarly for its now-sub-area Patchwork, that feels more teen-ish:

Patchwork Square is an area intended for ageplayers to enjoy. Here you can go on dates, play, and explore! This area is also nudist-okay! Feel free to wear as little as you like when in Patchwork Square.

Who can sexually roleplay here?

  • Sexual roleplay between characters under 18 is allowed in all areas, unless the sub-area rules specifically disallow it.
  • Sexual roleplay between characters under 18 and characters over 18 (age gap play) is only allowed in sub-areas marked as allowing this.
  • Underage characters must reasonably understand and consent to any sexual activity. They must have at least moderate sexual development, at an age appropriate for their species.

[I see a conflict between these rules that may need resolving by builders, as they moved an area that restricts age into one which explicitly does not allow such restrictions.]

While Wolfery may be popular with USA users, it’s worth remembering that it is not a US-based service, and ‘over the pond’ there can be slightly different sensibilities. To take two examples, Germany’s federal age of consent in real life is 14, and in Sweden it is 15; in the latter there is special consideration of people with similar ages, positions of trust, etc. (You also get kids playing ‘doctor’ IRL by 10 according to US research.)

That doesn’t mean you’d find a place like Patchwork in real life. But that’s the point - this is meant to be a safe place to explore fantasies, some of which would not be suitable for RL. (Nor is rape, vore, etc.)

Wolfery is also is only provided for adult members IRL, and the area policies above relate to textual roleplaying. This is distinct from image content, which was recently restricted.

This is a horse that has been flogged more than once before.

Yes, we understand that for some people kink X may be unsettling. For others, it’s kink Y. Or Z. Which it okay and which is abhorrent is subjective.

Wolfery seeks to be an inclusive place to roleplay in, with some safeguards to ensure that the vast majority of players can find the play they want to enjoy, while leaving some semblance of ‘normalcy’ in the most mainstream places.

It is on the user themselves to stick to areas that do not feature or allow the content they do not find acceptable.


Let’s call ‘ageplay’ what it is when it becomes sexualized: VCSAM, which is an acronym for virtualized child sexual abuse material. This is an operational definition in research, as well as a term used to describe certain materials as defined in law. GreenReaper up above said that ‘textual roleplay’ is different from images, but that is not true. VCSAM can include text, image, sound, and any other media material meant to reproduce CSAM in any way.

How is VCSAM harmful? Let’s take a look at some research, specifically let’s look at a literature review which is a commentary on a compilation of research on specific subjects. Literature reviews are comprehensive analyses of a body of literature and are not just one study.

According Christensen & Vickery’s literature review, The Characteristics of Virtual Child Sexual Abuse Material Offenders and the Harms of Offending: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Print Media, of VCP and VCSAM studies, there is pretty significant potential for and also real world harm that has been done by VCSAM and the creation of such, including the use of CSAM to create VCSAM (like if someone used real pictures of children as references to create comics). Particularly, VCSAM is a major component of reducing children’s inhibition and also is used for desensitization in grooming encounters.

Christensen has also done studies specifically on preliminary examination of the psychology of individuals who use VCSAM and found that it is frequently used in grooming, but also used to build networks of peer-to-peer file sharing of images and media that usually leads to consumption of CSAM (which is not virtualized, it is real pictures and media). Also that it may lead to the desire to consume CSAM.

Maximus and by extension the entire Wolfery staff as well as others, please hear me. You are wrong about the specific effects on both individual and community that VCSAM represents. If you continue to allow VCSAM, especially out in the open, you will foster an environment that will attract only more ‘ageplayers’ into this place. It is already happening. I showed a friend this website because it is an exciting platform for roleplay and the first thing he said to me was ‘there are open pedophiles everywhere.’ He is not wrong. Please reconsider what kind of culture you want to develop and nurture for your muck platform.


Legally, in my jurisdiction, it is true. That is the area I was attempting to address.

There is, for example, a UK law on prohibited images, but no equivalent for prohibited text. The Online Safety Act also does not consider textual pornography to fall within its remit (this does not relate specifically to CSAM, rather whether the operator needs to consider whether children might access otherwise-legal pornographic content in the context of assessment).

I’m sure there are those who wish to share material which is illegal, but I have not encountered such behaviour on Wolfery, and I imagine they’d be reported right quick. If it does become an issue, I suggest some variation of the methods we took to address it at IB.

First of all I get it. Some ages are also for me uncomfortable but I still wouldn’t set a limit to it.

And I have to say that the age in this regards is more a cultural thing. In most European countries they have Sex Ed in primary school. In Germany for example in 3rd grade (8-9y/o).

About being curious about sexual activities. For me and most if not all of my school mates that started around with the age of 12 to 13 years.

Without wanting to get political but in most European countries Sex Ed and sexual topics are seen less explicit than as they are in the US. If we want to put out the age of consent that also differs per legislation. In the US, as far as I know, they have a range from 16 to 18, depending on the state. In Europe it ranges from 12 to 16. For Germany it is 14 for example.

Similar to my place then. Though officially text can be part of it but only realistic looking or close to real life media is illegal. Which I have to say that Anthro Cubs are far away from being realistic.

When it comes to legality we might should worry about Sweden’s legislation as Wolfery is based there. And they have no clear laws about fictional media of this topic. Probably also a reason why they forbid uploading cub porn.

To add my 2 Cents about it.
I don’t really care what the ageplayers are doing. As long as they don’t impose themselves in areas that don’t allow them and keep their profile pic sfw all is fine.

What I however would like to see is a consequent rule that forbids any sexual implication of ageplay or mentioning of the nsfw aspect in the abouts. I want to recommend this site to people. If they happen to open the profile of one of these individuals in the search bar and read ‘9 yo looking for someone to fill their holes’ I find this as not acceptable as this is the only section of the profile that is not affected by any rules.


Honestly, there should be a limit on the age of characters - 16 minimum.
There’s no reason for anyone to be playing younger other than as a deeply disturbing fetish, or to be extra annoying.


Huh… this has definitely turned into an interesting can of worms.

A lot of ageplayers are victims of CSE and use spaces like this to safely explore themes under their own control. Even therapists will recommend them to find some outlet. I won’t scream statistics at you, but here, this can help others understand how prevalent this is:

That being said, my main concern as someone who cannot stand this sort of roleplay is the intersection of it. I really, truly, dislike seeing a child come into Miranda’s, even if it is for a split second. I hate seeing children and their images displayed on the awake list. I hate that I can’t block these characters or at LEAST filter them out. It ruins my immersion on this site and I’ve had roleplays just completely derail because a child walks in trying to participate. I’ve made this concern known a while ago, and while Lamplight City is a good start, I believe there needs to be more effort to separate ageplay from the grand majority of the site.

I want to tell my friends about this site, but alas, I can’t, because a toddler in a diaper waddles in with rape kinks all over their profile.

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Somewhat aside to the age limit, could we at least get a block feature? Even a Discord-style block where messages in chat show up as “1 Blocked Message” would work, plus an avatar blur. It’d also help if blocked users didn’t appear in the awake list by default or were always pushed to the bottom.

I don’t want to engage with child-like characters at all, but I know they might still appear in public spaces despite strict rules. Giving users tools to curate their experience would help. Ideally, a feature to auto-block characters based on specific “Likes” tags would be great, so we don’t have to manually build blocklists.

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I really don’t want to wake up and find the police knocking on my door because I’ve been logged into a server known for sexual images of children, which in the UK includes cartoon depictions inc. furry art.
So a toggle that underage characters could have, to allow them to be filtered out and made invisible to people who aren’t into child molesting roleplay would be excellent.
Even better if there was a minimum age limit on rooms to exclude minors.


Yeah being a CSA survivor is one of the reasons I left the site for the most part. Tried to explain reasoning but I was told that giving someone as a real life example of what I was talking about was against the rules.

Just for the record, the person who hurt me used VCP (virtualized CP) to try to groom me, which is what ageplay RP is like. Scientifically classified as.

Also, not talking about the legality of it. Just the actual real world effects of it.

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Okay… this is… getting way too heated from what i can see. Glad to see some people are also concerned, but this is a bit much. I don’t know how to lock this post tho…

Perhaps locking the thread to prevent people having a fair chance to add their opinion would be contraindicated.

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I am 100% for free speech, but i just feel like this is getting a bit too heated or potentially political.

The discussion’s not really getting that heated or political. But let’s step back anyway and look at this from another useful, logical angle: we now have multiple platform users expressing a clear and consistent reasoning for why they cannot recommend that platform to others.

Is it desirable for Wolfery players to recommend Wolfery to others? Previous posts in the forums suggest that’s the case; the staff want it to grow and I hope it’s not a stretch to posit that more RPers in an RP community tends generally to be healthier than less. If there’s an issue getting in the way of those recommendations – not to mention RPer retention, as we can see described here – then where do Wolfery’s priorities lie? Making provisions for material directly cited by platform users giving feedback, or addressing any and all barriers to their aims for the platform?

You (general ‘you’ throughout!) can make an argument for a broad inclusivity of roleplay topics – but you can’t then wonder why Wolfery isn’t retaining or growing the audience it wants when one particular example does raise these questions in a way others don’t. CSE is enabled by, and perpetrated within, online spaces like this platform in a way that other difficult roleplay concepts are not.

Personal opinion? The subject as other people have presented here has been considered to be, in discussions – and may potentially still be – a reason for departure for a small friendship group on the platform. We can’t recommend Wolfery to anyone else either at present, on the same basis. That’s a shame.

A lot of ageplayers are victims of CSE and use spaces like this to safely explore themes under their own control. Even therapists will recommend them to find some outlet.

Quick sidebar, because this skirts very close to outright providing dangerous misinformation: we do not know what percentage ‘a lot’ is, in this case, and we don’t have much way of actually determining the statistics in that relationship. CSE widespread? Yes. How many ageplayers are in fact victims? We don’t know. Counterpoint: how many ageplayers are in fact perpetrators? We also don’t know.

(But if anyone felt just a little uncomfortable considering that possibility, the recognition is unfortunately germane to the broader discussion here too.)

The wording ‘some outlet’ is also veiling a crucial distinction - no reputable therapist will recommend, as an outlet, putting oneself in a position to be creatively reconstructing or exposing oneself to known traumatic material, in potential depth, via the medium of complete strangers on the internet potentially approaching the interaction with their own gratification prioritized over anyone else’s wellbeing.

We’ve all had scenes or instances where the other parties in our RP haven’t acted with consideration to our own or other peoples’ experience, haven’t we? Even with the best of intentions – it’s very possible some people actually don’t mean to be rude, or inconsiderate – it happens. That can be a minefield when actual traumatic material is involved and end up doing more harm than good. That is to say nothing about the possibility of potential bad actors. A good therapist will be conscious of these dynamics and potentials. Please don’t imagine some therapist would endorse it as ‘an outlet’ uncritically or without serious reservations.

Sorry for the long read. :slightly_smiling_face:


Upon seeing how people are giving their opinion about this topic, I think I should add my contribute too since one of the (many) reasons I have left the platform was seeing so many underage characters getting sexualised. Of course is not the ONLY reason but one of them.

In case you ask, yes, I am well aware that ageplay can be SFW and I am all up for it, even I’d be less worried if adult characters practice ageplay among other adult characters instead of children, actually. Anyway, I am as aware that there (should) be an adult behind these characters that can consent or not to that (saying should because there is no real way to understand if there is or not an adult behind a character or well, I don’t think there is a real way to understand that), and I am even more aware that those characters do not exist, they are non existent species and that we shouldn’t feel as uncomfortable because they are no human, a PNG that has no feelings and so on…but this doesn’t change how I felt in the platform until recent times.

I don’t feel comfortable around the characters and the players, or well I don’t feel safe. Sorry if this may disturb someone but is just the way I feel and, honestly, my comfort is as important as someone’s fetish if not more. Why am I uncomfortable like this? I worked with kids. Long story short, these kids have more or less the same age of those kids characters that are sexualised on Wolfery; the thought that someone may sexualise their behavior made me uncomfortable to a level I can’t describe properly. Again, I am expressing my concern as a human being made of flesh, bones and feelings and, in addition to this, I do not want to make feel people uncomfortable or else: just expressing my very own concern.

Like rape and other hard kinks, ageplay can be uncomfortable to some people that are particularly sensitive to the topic for irl reasons, and I am the case. With ageplayers playing kids that do not even have the age of consent in most places, I can’t deny that I did feel uncomfortable and somehow not safe at looking at that; it is hard to see a toddler begging for rape. It genuinely hurts me and for long I tried not to look at the awake list.

My area was taken down because, (despite being a very old version of my novel to make them different to some extent) I decided that it was not necessary to keep it linked, not only because I was not there to keep an eye and guide people in the story, but because I don’t want my work to be connected with ageplay as a whole. Not the sfw aspect, that is valid and perfectly fine to my eyes, but the choice was more linked to what those super ageplay characters do with adult characters. I don’t want my work to be associated with that. I brought old versions of my novel a bit everywhere but this is the only place where I don’t want to share it anymore.

I tried, too, to invite people over and many felt uncomfortable just for ageplay. The reasoning was the following: they were not uncomfortable because it was mentioned rape on a child or whatever, books and thriller films do that already and yes, it feels grotesque and is what the author wants to do, is the feeling that they looked for and if you felt uncomfortable it means that the author did an awesome job, but what concerned them is that the whole thing is seen as a pornographic thing, as there is a high chance that the players “enjoy it” on all aspects that thing. So yes, my friends didn’t mind the topic due to horror or more adult kind of reading meant to horrify who reads, maybe not a proper example but Lolita may work, but how a child character is used for pornographic intents, no matter if it exists or not.

I was afraid to express my concern due to the fact that I was afraid of getting banned on the spot for saying to be uncomfortable. But eh, seeing that there are people uncomfortable, or showing their concern gave me some strenght to post this. And even if I get evicted I got nothing to lose actually.

Also sorry for potential mistakes in grammar and the like-


Fair points, I do think I stretched the definition a bit now that I’m reading it again. Apologies for not being more specific, and thanks for explaining that a therapist would not recommend this as it includes a public other. I do know, from talking with CSA victims, that fiction, roleplay, and art are recommended outlets, but I assume I missed the ‘closed doors’ part.

To continue throwing unwarranted opinions around, the inclusion of ageplay on this site with inevitably be the death of it. If it is losing novel writers and critical thinkers, it will become just another stale, dead MUCK in the vast sea of failed MUCKs.

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