Wolfery nominated for an Ursa Major Award!

Ursa Major Awards Wolfery has been nominated for an Ursa Major award for ‘Best Website’. I’m not saying stuff the ballot box, but voting for the Ursa Majors in general helps the things you like get more recognition.


Then I’ll say it: Stuff the ballot box! :grin:

Naah, but for real, it is fun that we are nominated! We might not win over more popular or well-known sites, but hopefully more people will learn about us, and join our community!

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I think Fur Affinity has (somehow) remained undefeated in this category for the past few years, but even being nominated gives good exposure in itself. I’ll be voting for sure after checking out the nominations in the other categories.

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Lol at Bluey being nominated under “Best Dramatic Series.”

There are some Bluey episodes…
…but yeah not the whole series.

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