WIMP - Discontinued

Due to unnavigable differences of opinion around trust, safety, justice and what’s best for the community between me and the staff, the Wolfery Improved mod has unfortunately been permanently discontinued. Thank you to all who helped with the feedback during the time it was active. It is such a shame to have to waste all that effort and goodwill over something I’d have thought to be an obvious ethical choice.


:astonished: :exploding_head: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Instant adopt for me. This feature will go a long way towards ensuring I no longer “enter” prematurely.

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Installed WIMP and took it for a spin today. Enabled every option available, but didn’t have the opportunity to test some of the multi-character features today. FWIW, initial impressions follow:

Anti-MAV Section

  • I like how the private stuff (whispers and messages) are now more clearly defined vs. the public stuff. Consistent styling really makes it clear what’s going on.
  • While I didn’t accidentally enter much today, I did see the warning that I was sending a message without proper punctuation quite a bit today (all expected). Double-tapping enter for those times is a small price to pay.
    • Nitpick: Maybe alter the wording to be Public Communications and Private Communications?

Focus Section

  • I enabled everything in this section, just to see what would happen and it was super colorful.
  • I think my preference is the focus dot over the focus underline, but it’s good to see the choice presented.

Overall, provides some QoL enhancements that I don’t think I can live without now.

Thanks for sharing, @Kelmi!

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Back with more feedback, thoughts, etc.

New Features

Character Section

  • Notepad
    Only recently enabled this option, but I :heart: that it renders the Markdown syntax.

    This makes the Notes so much more versatile and aesthetically pleasing.

UI Tweaks

  • Hide Navigation
    Not working for me.

    I tried reloading, but didn’t notice any change. Not sure if the problem is on my end.

  • Request Buttons
    Good idea! Especially since the input box requires an explicit click to activate if focus switches from another tab… to type join <char>.

    Haven’t had the opportunity to try this one out fully and it only occurred to me as I was typing this up that I could have summoned Quelle…

Prior Features


  • Are you sure?/It looks like you’re trying to send an incomplete message :paperclip:
    I seem to prematurely “enter” during scenes a lot less than I did before, maybe because the pressure’s off because I have a safety net? Either way, it catches the accidental slips so that I don’t have to ooc Oops! Didn't mean to send that yet! D:, which I appreciate.

Focus Options

  • Focus Dot & Focus Underline
    I definitely prefer the focus dot to the focus underline.

    Played around with both enabled and to my eyes, the dot is more informative whereas the underline tends to make things appear messy and distracting.

Glad to see you’re continuing to experiment! Thanks for all you done and keep up the good work, @Kelmi! It’s always a treat when a new set of options shows up to try out.


I checked and at the time, WIMP was at 1.3.1. The script updated automagically overnight, so I’m on 1.3.2 now and it works! :smiley:

This is on desktop in Firefox.

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Coming back to this feature, the Notepad tab doesn’t render the Markdown syntax for me like the normal client does.

Was about to ignorantly post the above, but played around with it a little more. Does the Notepad only support _<text>_ and **<text>** Markdown?

This sure had exploded spectacularly!

This is a quick note to say that moderation staff is hiding elements of this post on account of a proposal to sabotage software assets. This constitutes a threat which presents a very real risk to our users.

We acknowledge that this can seem like silencing dissent, but active response and lack of removal within the primary discussion, we hope, indicates that dissent is accepted and welcome, but threats are not.


Unfortunately, there are immediate consequences for rash speech. Phrases like “a hindrance and a liability” carry distinctly threatening undertones. It is an expectation in our community that speech is meaningful, and thus due consideration to your words is a responsibility.


I am +1ing that this sounds like a threat, especially since you remark on how you would do this if you are feeling petty.



This whole thread jives with my experience attempting to make suggestions to improve the platform.

Another reason I cancelled my supporter subscription after 5 months.

Someone took it upon themselves in their free time to make the site better, and it DID.

Kelmi…thank you. So much.

Mod teams: I hope your coffee tastes terrible.

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