Just built a whole western area and still full of ideas, who do I meet to have the area approved?
Post the room id of your starting room and the builders can have a look when we have time (hopefully at the same time that you’re in-game to get a tour )
You can get the room id with get room id
while in the room.
ive noticed a lot of western characters but no western locals. could i see this place you made? id like to chat with ya
If you’ve got the area actually built, propose it!
The summary of what you’ll want to review before posting more or less the following:
What is it?
What makes it unique?
How do you expect to make it accessible to the grid?
Does the area fit the theme of where you want to place it at this time?
Are the exits/travel messages/area info done?
Are the rooms described? (no empty blank rooms)
Are the area’s exits built in a way where users can easily travel back to the starting room with go back
If so, offer up a room id to whatever starting room so people can come take a look and explore.
If you feel you’re ready for an actual full review to make sure things are properly clean (we’d prefer to only have to do this once with minor corrections) then ask a builder to come review the build at that time.