What supporter payments will be used for


I don’t like having to deal with money. But I understand it is necessary for this project to thrive and grow.
With the new supporter payment system, found at mucklet.com/account, we can hopefully get enough to do just that!

So, I thought I’d just inform you of my current plans on how the money will be spent (in below order).

  1. Tea and Cookies - It is a necessity in order to produce quality code!
    Required supporters: 1

  2. Operational costs - Servers, domains, business fees, etc.
    Required supporters: 30 - 40

  3. Advertising Wolfery - Time to bring in new players in a slow by steady stream!
    Required supporters: 10 - 20

(The Required supporters is a rough estimate on how many additional monthly supporters are needed to fully achieve that step.)

And as it grows, both in number of players and supporters, I hope that it will eventually grow to the point where I can stop working on this as a spare time hobby project, and instead start tinkering on it full time.

A wolf can dream. :blush:


Perhaps I can try and make an advertisement for you. Would that be something you’d like me to?

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Advertising by telling friends about it is always welcome!

Advertising through banners on suitable sites, or influencers trying the game, requires a bit more planning and some preparation.

Did you have anything specific in mind?