What,Precisely,Is Not Permissible?

Every other online chat,roleplay,forum,or anything else service has a clearly defined list of what is and is not permissible. This is especially important in roleplay communities such as this. I’ve been unable to find an “out of game” list of clear and specific rules and regulations,just the FAQ,and that’s rather fuzzy and nonspecific. In game,the rules brought up by the help rules command are much more clear,but there’s only one rule there that covers content that is near-universally mentioned in other sites rules and regulations. Specifically,underaged humans. What about the other half,underaged nonhumans? Or other widely-seen-as-objectionable content? Clarity on things such as this would go a long way for establishing boundaries,which is quite important for roleplaying,and keeping the service provider out of hot water.

In short: We’ve recognized some of this vagueness as a problem and there are both rules clarifications and some features upcoming to help with clarifying this.

The current state: The “Town of Sinder” area as defined on the map does not allow most forms of “widely seen as objectionable content”. Underage characters may be present in this area, but should not engage in “objectionable activities”, e.g. sexualized behavior while there. Other areas can set their own rules for some of this content, but some, such as underaged humans are not allowed service-wide. For either of those situations, don’t hesitate to report content you may not think is okay, and use that report to discuss it with a moderator. In short: If you believe something shouldn’t be going on in Sinder (or anywhere on Wolfery!), feel free to report and discuss it. All of us mods are quite willing to have these discussions and we don’t look down on good faith reports even if there is no action taken.

The problem: That is still somewhat vague, and how you can tell the exact rules for an area is overly difficult. That is understood and being worked on. We understand the confusion that exists at this time.

What is coming: More tools to let you know what is permissible in an area. When this is done the rules will also be made more specific. The exact wording of those rules is being discussed currently. The changes I expect will widen the scope of ‘objectionable content’ for the Town of Sinder significantly. The site-wide rules I don’t see as likely to change significantly.

(I’ve asked Acci to give his input on these statements, since I am Not Always Right. :slight_smile: )