What is a rooms pop detail used for?

A room’s details look like this:

    'area': None,
	'autosweep': False,
	'autosweepDelay': 0,
	'chars': {'rid': 'core.room.cj5poc54tae1prqrvkjg.chars'},
	'desc': 'a quiet room.',
	'exits': {'rid': 'core.room.cj5poc54tae1prqrvkjg.exits'},
	'id': 'cj5poc54tae1prqrvkjg',
	'image': None,
	'isDark': False,
	'isHome': False,
	'isQuiet': True,
	'isTeleport': False,
	'mapX': 0,
	'mapY': 0,
	'name': 'Quiet Room',
	'owner': {'rid': 'core.char.cad887m9gbrpjn98berg'},
	'pop': 2,
	'private': False

Of course, a lot of them make sense, except for ‘pop’

would anybody be able to give me any insight as to what this is?

Pretty sure that the population (how many people are in the room)? @farcaller might know better.

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pop is the character count in the room/area, prv is the character count in the hidden rooms within the area.

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ah, is prv omitted by default if there are no hidden rooms?

if there are no hidden pops, rather.

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Shin and Far are mostly correct. But prv is not omitted if zero.

The reason why you don’t see it, is because prv doesn’t exist for rooms; it is only set for areas (core.area.$areaId.details).
A room cannot have a private population in itself. Only areas may have a population inside private rooms.