Welcome La Faille!

There’s a newsstand next to the kiosk in the park, offering a fancy newspaper.

La Faille is a new periodic that expanded to Sinder. It comes out every full moon and provides updates on the events happening across the Rift.

Unlike the Chronicle, La Faille will report not only on things that actually happened in the world, but also on the fictional events that could have happened. They all will be carefully aligned with the Rift lore as a whole, of course. Being a French periodic, La Faille has no issues reporting on a variety of topics that Sinder Chronicle won’t usually touch.
Q: What’s the schedule?
A: La Faille will come out every full moon
Q: Where are the rest of pages?
A: Given the limited staff, La Faille will only be published as a front page. Use your imagination to substitute for the continuation of the articles!


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