Waku's Treatsie for Consensual Conflict In Linseria

Linseria having recently opened their border, I cannot help but be sickened at the decadence of its rulers. They had the gall to host some ballroom dance and flaunt their wealth and power, even invite the lower class public.

While OOCly I hold no grudge, ICly, I despise high class wealth and authority. If you stand against these principals, I invite you not to bite your tongue. Stand with Waku, she has held her feelings back long enough. She will spit in the face of those that choose to display their allegiance to a ruling class who indulges in such decadence. I do this in the face of the enemy, whom I hope present themselves. ((To indicate their interest, or similar disinterest))

I ask that you not be butts to each other. Follow the rules and have nice consensual conflict only in Linseria and when they are open to it. Your post here indicates you consent to be approached on your ideas of the topic in game.


In the name of good consensual fun, i personally think this is a wonderful idea.


IC: Emperor Asher has shown nothing but pure kindness and generosity towards the residents of Linseria. He has helped me earn a living as the cityā€™s tavernkeeper and even offered me and my spouse a place to live in the residential district.

Though he may flaunt his wealth to the public, he gives it back to his kingdom. He is the definition of benevolent and I will stand by him no matter who may disagree!



Is it time for Snow to go to war?

Snow hates the ruling class. Also, this sounds like a lot of fun, and heā€™s really bored.

Bonus: Snow has never been to Linseria.


After reviewing his schedule, Snow realizes he actually doesnā€™t have the time to go to war. :frowning:


Soā€¦ Snow has never been to the one place on the rift where itā€™s snowing year-round?.. Interestingā€¦


Donā€™t say this in front of him or heā€™ll get REALLY MAD, hahaha.


I do enjoy the spirit of this movement, but as far as immortal god kings goā€¦Asher Vulpara isnā€™t that badā€¦ just sayingā€¦goes to grab some popcorn and be neutral in this conflict.


Canā€™t wait for Cham to get caught up in this. Iā€™m very down to see how it pans out, and I need something to get Cham all stressed about her friends with anyways~.


Shepe has sharpened his blade and his sheath is shined.
Alliteration is fun.
Anyways, Charim stands with Waku. OOCly I do ask that you request this conflict if it is to include Charim before you engage, but that is all I ask. Remember though; Have fun! This is not genuine conflict between players. Or, I hope not.


In OOC I am completely on board with this, I Just want People to have fun, but please make sure the ā€˜rebellionā€™ is consensual, please make sure to ask everyone involved before any conflict.


(Mod note: We should have a custom tag for participation in this. Forum names do not map 1:1 to in-game names, and checking a forum thread itself is clunky. This will also allow people to tag in and out of conflict-consent as they need to, though that can also be fixed by ā€˜donā€™t be in Linseria if youā€™re not going to participate todayā€™. Iā€™ll let the wording of the tag to the organizers or even if you want to have two for overt side-picking.)


Stormy gets a donut and plops down on the couch to watch the s*** hit the fan~ xD


ā€œItā€™s not the season of Mists, why is this snow here?ā€


I liked it when Snow said ā€œItā€™s Snowinā€™ timeā€ and then snowed all over those guys. One of the RPers of all time.


Ill bring the cottonball cannons! RAAAAAAWWWWWH!!


Charim suggests town guard puppets for conflict. Yall too cute to fight. <3


Iā€™d bring a marshmallow gun for ye if I was in this conflict!

Oh! Can we do card battles?! I want to collect the rat faction!


Will the units all be made up with cute characters thatā€™ve had savaged backstories?

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Who will be making the puppets? I donā€™t have room.