UpWings Abandoned

The ‘current’ club at Umber Point has been unused for quite some time at this point, and the character (at least one of them, I don’t know all of their characters) I believe was the owner has not logged in since December of `22.

I have had a few people express interest, and most recently someone with an entirely new nightclub that’s more focused around the ‘gritty’ topics that Umber presents. They’re currently still building it, but what I’ve seen looks pretty good thus far, and I was wondering if it would be possible for UpWings to be removed from umber as it’s no longer being maintained?

This would also make it very easy to address in-world by saying that I’ve leased them the old building to renovate or whatever.


It’s a good point. We had a bit of a chat and I am happy to say that your request is approved as asked.

While I am all for preserving nicely-written areas, you make a good point. If you can replace it with something in a similar theme that lives on, I have no reason to not honour the swap. That said, The Upwings isn’t gone, and it will stay accessible in the nexus, as all the fractured shards of the Rift do.