Turn Off Name Highlight - 1.41.0

Please, please, PLEASE give us a way to turn off name highlighting in the chat.

I tried deleting my name and fullname from the triggers, but that didn’t work. (And I don’t want to remove notifications, just the highlighting.)

The highlighting is incredibly distracting and makes it look like I’ve accidentally selected some text on the page.

This is enough to make me not want to log in. Seriously. Please give us a way to turn this off.


I do agree on that matter, there should be an opt in option for the highlighting. Like to be able to dynamically turn it on in full rooms and off in small room session.

A notification true/false
A highlight true/false

If you got a greasemonkey or a violentmonkey chrome extension you can customise the style with this snippet:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Wolfery highlight tweak
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match       https://wolfery.com/
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @version     1.0
// @author      Shinyuu
// @description 10/16/2022, 5:12:42 PM
// ==/UserScript==

GM_addStyle (`
.common--formattext span.highlight {
  color: inherit !important;
  background: inherit !important;
  padding: inherit !important;
  border-radius: inherit !important;

Per the Boss Woof, accessing Wolfery with the URL https://wolfery.com/?highlightTriggers.active=false will turn off the highlights.

Oh whoops. I’m just having coffee and didn’t read the post fully before I replied. LOL Mention triggers shouldn’t be the same as notifications, right? So the issue is just that removing the name triggers didn’t disable them, right?

Removing the name triggers did not disable the notifications or the highlights.

Per Acci, that was a bug which has been fixed, so removing them will actually remove them now. But I don’t want to remove the notifications, just the highlights.

Bosswoof said he’ll add a setting for the highlights, yay!

I am currently working on making highlighting of triggers optional (under Player Settings), as well as adding an option of having full message highlighting as suggested by @Shinyuu!

I found the 10px border radius the most comforting; by the way.

My plan is to add the following Player Settings:

Highlight triggers
Highlight character name and other mention triggers in the chat logs text.

Highlight messages
Highlight messages either directly targetting your character, or in which your character is mentioned.

Highlight own messages
Highlight messages sent by your own character.

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I like these setting ideas.

Highlighting Own Messages is top tier :love_you_gesture: Would help with keeping track of multiple owned characters in a room :>

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