Trick or Treating in Realm

I know a lot of folks are already talking about Halloween with several parties, and a lot of fun activities, being planned already. I thought it would be nice if public area owners help encourage residents of the realm to go out and Trick or Treat on Halloween. Plus, hopefully this will get people to explore a bit more as they party.

I was going to make a simple room, just for the night, at Joystix’s with a candy dish that folks could come by and get a sweet treat, and maybe hand out a few pieces myself as I become available.

It’s just a thought and it would be cool if others joined in on the fun too. Let’s all work to make this Halloween :jack_o_lantern: special!


Chamomile will gladly join in as your local vent monster, I hope nobody minds~!

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Well now I have an idea I don’t know I can fulfill on…

I’ll just promise that the Prism will have candy too… How it’s distributed is yet to be determined.

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Here’s the room code for basically what I was thinking of putting out on Halloween, #ccsq77e9gbrk70skhda0. It’s very simple, and I’m sure some others will go bigger, but I think it might at least get a smile from folks.

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